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Trump and Congress:
WE DEMAND Tariffs NOW!!!
Keep YOUR Promises to Voters!!!
WE ARE the UNITED Cross-Party
Revolution of Voters for JOBS
United Revolution of Voters for Jobs
by Dale Lee Harris
There is a REVOLUTION in America.
It is a revolution of USA Voters for JOBS,
so we can provide for our families.
We LOVE our families,
therefore we NEED and we DEMAND
good paying jobs
to provide for our families.
We LOVE America and we want
ALL workers in America
to have good paying jobs.
The Revolution of Voters for Jobs
exists in all political parties and independents.
We are no longer brain washed servants
of the International Corporate Establishment.
We fully understand that the division in America
is NOT between
the Democratic Party and the
Republican Party.
The REAL division in America
is between the Corporate Establishment
Politicians who help to oppress
the workers of America,
and the Populist Revolutionary Politicians
who are leading a Political Revolution
in America to return political power
We will no longer vote based on
what political party a person belongs to.
We will only vote for candidates
based on whether or not
they support a REVOLUTION
to overthrow the Economic Dictatorship
of Unelected KINGS
and replace it with the rule
WE ARE the United Revolution of
Voters for Jobs.
America began as a REVOLUTION
against KINGS.
America has now returned to
a Political Revolution
against the International
Economic Dictatorship of Economic KINGS!
We the United Revolution of Voters for Jobs
will only vote for candidates based on the following
Does the candidate promise to create more jobs
with higher pay and better benefits?
Does the candidate have an effective plan
for creating more jobs and income for workers?
Does the candidate fully explain why
his or her plan will in fact work?
When we hold the elected candidate's
feet to the fire for proof that they are
keeping their campaign promises,
do they prove that they were not
lying for votes when they
made those promises.
At every town hall meeting
and every rally for a candidate,
we the Voters for Jobs
must ask the following questions.
Do you support a Twenty Five Percent Tariff
on all imports of factory products and parts
where the factory workers make less than
Ten USA Dollars per hour?
Do you support a Quota on all imports
of factory products and parts
so that at least half of each
factory product and part sold in America
must either be made in the USA
or made in a nation where the
factory workers making the product
make at least Fifteen USA Dollars per hour?
Do you support raising taxes on Billionaires
to both balance the budget
and also pay for Hundreds of Billions of Dollars
being spent on Infrastructure
and Green Energy projects?
Any member of Congress not saying yes
to those three questions,
must be kicked out of office.
Any candidate for Congress not saying yes
to those three questions,
must not be elected.
We will Primary
all Anti USA Worker Free Trade politicians
and elect candidates who are serious
about giving Americans their
factory and construction jobs back NOW!
We DEMAND Tariffs NOW!!!
by Dale Lee Harris
It is time for us,
the United Revolution of Voters for Jobs,
to hold political leader's feet to the fire.
That includes Donald Trump,
Congressional members of all political parties,
and all political organizations.
In particular, Donald Trump made
the following campaign promises
to gain votes from us,
the United Revolution of Voters for Jobs.
We will have Tariffs against
Communist China
to take back our factory jobs.
The tariff rate may be
as high as thirty five (35) percent.
We will have massive infrastructure spending
in America to create millions of jobs.
We will build a wall on our boarder
with Mexico,
and Mexico will pay for it.
It is time for Donald Trump to prove to us,
the Voters for Jobs,
that he was not lying to us
to get our votes.
He must ACT NOW
to do the things he promised us
that he would do to give us
more jobs and better paying jobs.
Since the 1990s,
America has lost FIVE MILLION
factory jobs from off shoring.
Every factory job creates
FOUR more jobs in the economy.
So, we have lost
With an expected average wage
of forty thousand dollars a year,
not to mention benefits,
that is an
to American workers!!!
WE the United Revolution of
Voters for Jobs
We will do that by
Donald Trump and all members of congress
keep the campaign promise made to us
by doing the following.
Pass a Twenty Five Percent Import Tax
on the import of all Factory Products
and parts to Factory Products,
where workers make less than
Ten USA Dollars per hour.
That includes not just
Communist China,
but also Mexico and any other
nation with low factory wages.
Pass an Import Quota
on every factory product and part sold in America.
For each product or part,
at least half of those sold in America
must either be manufactured in
the United States or be manufactured
in another nation where the factory workers
make at least Fifteen USA Dollar per hour
with paid overtime.
Know that establishing the Tariff and Quota
could bring back Fifteen Million USA Jobs
within one year,
and massive infrastructure spending
could create another Ten Million USA jobs!
Only THAT would keep the campaign promise
made to us,
the United Revolution of Voters for Jobs!
We the United Revolution of Voters for Jobs
of all political parties DEMAND
that Donald Trump keep his promise
and immediately establish Tariffs and Quotas
on low wage factory and part products
and do massive infrastructure spending
to give us back Twenty Five Million
good paying USA jobs before
the 2018 election!
IF Donald Trump does not push for that
and deliver that,
then we will know that Donald Trump
is a LIAR who made false campaign promises
and is OUR ENEMY.
We the United Revolution of Voters for Jobs
will call for the resignation or Impeachment
of Donald Trump and will kick out of office
all members of Congress of BOTH
political parties,
who do not act to support the DEMANDS
of the United Revolution of Voters for Jobs!
Give us Tariffs, Quotas, and massive Infrastructure Spending
and Twenty Five Million Good Paying USA Jobs
before the next election,
or we, the United Revolution of Voters for Jobs,
will kick all LIARS and ENEMIES of USA Jobs
out of office!
More Jobs and Build the WALL
by Dale Lee Harris
Understand that the tariff and quota would
take back most, if not all,
of our factory jobs.
in worker income,
with a federal tax rate
of fifteen percent,
means adding
One Hundred and Fifty
BILLION Dollars to the USA Budget!
Even if no jobs are returned, at first,
there would still be a huge
increase to federal revenue.
A Twenty Five Percent tax
on the nearly
in Imports from China,
would mean nearly
One Hundred and Twenty Five
BILLION in added revenue!
That does not include Tariff income
from other low wage income nations.
WE the United Revolution of
Voters for Jobs
that Donald Trump
and other politicians
keep their campaign promise to us
to have massive infrastructure
spending to create millions
of good paying USA jobs.
Fully understand that
this would not have to require
any increases in taxes
or reductions in spending
on needed social services.
The added income from Tariffs
or from getting our jobs back
would be well over
One Hundred BILLION Dollars.
So, we would have the needed
added revenue to pay for it.
However, some advocate that
we need to spend closer to
One TRILLION Dollars per year
on infrastructure.
This includes removing lead and
poison from drinking water
that is killing the children
of the American working class.
This includes massive spending
on Solar Panels, Wind Mills,
and Green Energy to create
millions of jobs and also
add cheap renewable energy to our economy
to maintain long term job growth.
So, we also DEMAND
massive tax increases on Billionaires
to pay for massive spending
on infrastructure and green energy.
WE the United Revolution of
Voters for Jobs
that we Build the Wall
and make Mexico pay for it!
Some people have false moral values
and believe we should have
nations without boarders
so that the poorest people
of every nation can move
to the richest nations.
That is NOT
compassion for the poor,
but rather the destruction
of human civilization
through global overpopulation.
Overpopulation of a species
destroys the food supply of that species
and leads to massive suffering, death,
and possible extermination of that species.
Overpopulation causes the poor
to suffer and die
in far greater numbers.
When poor people enter a nation,
it does not hurt the rich
of that nation,
but rather the poor of that nation,
through increased joblessness,
homelessness, hunger, disease,
and death.
When the overpopulation of humans
in a nation, without social pressures
to prevent destructive overpopulation,
enter other nations,
then it creates more global overpopulation,
which creates more poverty,
human suffering, and threat
to the very survival of humanity.
IF you want to prevent the
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,
namely war, hunger, disease, and death,
then you need to end the overpopulation
that causes those things.
One way to do that is to keep nations
that over populate from contributing
to the overpopulation of other nations
by illegally crossing boarders.
Another way is to give an economic incentive
to poor families to limit their family size.
One way is to pay people money and income
to limit the number of children they have.
We can end the human suffering of poverty
by paying people to help reduce
the human population.
At a time when millions of Americans
are jobless and homeless,
the last thing in the world we need
is more poor people entering America.
We rather want to limit population growth
of the poor in America and every nation,
in order to help end poverty
and thus end human suffering
from poverty.
There are laws to limit the number
of people that enter a nation.
To protect the jobless and homeless
citizens of America,
we must enforce those laws.
How can we build the wall
and make Mexico pay for it?
A Tariff import tax on low wage
factory products from Mexico
could pay for the wall.
And if the Tariff
results in most of those
factory jobs returning to America,
then the added revenue
from taxes on new workers
would pay for the wall.
So, Tariffs would pay for the wall,
one way or another.
Thus, Mexico would pay for the wall.
by Dale Lee Harris
HOW can WE make sure that
Tariffs on low wage factory and part
imports be enacted NOW
or soon after the next
Congressional election?
By demanding it
and only voting for candidates
who are dedicated to
doing what we demand.
We need to do the following things.
We must build a massive coalition
of Voters for Jobs,
through existing organizations,
a newly created organization,
or just informally as individuals
acting alone and in small groups
for the cause.
We must demand that
Donald Trump
and all members of Congress
pledge to enact a
Twenty Five Percent Tariff
on low wage imports of
factory products and parts
and work hard to make that happen.
Any member of congress that
does not make the pledge
and work hard,
will be added to the list
of members of Congress
to kick out of office.
We will only vote for candidates
who promise to enact
a Twenty Five percent tariff
on low wage factory and part imports.
If neither the Democratic Party
candidate nor the Republican Party
candidate makes that pledge,
then we will vote for a Third Party
candidate, an independent,
or a write in candidate
who does make that pledge.
We will join and pressure
existing political organizations
to also pledge to support the issue
of using Tariffs on low wage imports
to get our jobs back and our
If organizations like
Our Revolution,
Justice Democrats,
Brand New Congress,
and others do not
support that as a part
of their platform,
then we may start our own
grass roots organization
of Voters for Jobs.
For now, I advise people to demand that
Donald Trump and members of Congress
pledge to enact a Tariff and do so
As Soon As Possible.
Also, join political organizations
and persuade them to take up the cause
of giving American workers back
their TRILLION DOLLARS per year!
WTO Unelected KINGS
by Dale Lee Harris
Some other issues that the
United Revolution of Voters for Jobs
may want to work for are the following.
Overthrow the New World Order -
Global Economic Dictatorship of KINGS
with a Global Economic Democracy
The World Trade Organization
and international trade treaties
are working to destroy democracy
by allowing International Corporations
to sue governments and force the removal of laws
that protect the workers, consumers,
and citizens of the nation.
We need to replace the WTO
with a World Democracy Organization
of workers, consumers, and citizens,
that will be in charge of world trade
and standards to protect workers, consumers,
and citizens.
Get money out of politics so that
our political democracy serves the people.
Replace the Economic Dictatorship
in America with an Economic Democracy.
There should be a National Economic Board,
elected by the people,
that oversees things like wage rates,
tariff rates, and other issues
that protect the jobs and income of workers.
Macro Economic Planning
will be done to promote more education,
jobs, wages, health care, and
retirement income for workers.
Upgrade the democracy in America
to be more of a Direct Democracy,
where voters can introduce and vote on Bills,
decide the tax rates,
and make choices about spending priorities.
Also politicians lying to voters
and not working for what they promise
to work for
will be grounds for the voters
to kick the President or
members of Congress out of office,
to be replaced by the choice of voters.
Raise taxes on Billionaires to
create a budget surplus to pay down the debt,
finance spending a Trillion Dollars
a year on infrastructure to create
millions of more USA jobs,
massively invest in green energy
to end our dependence on oil,
massively invest in medical research
to prolong human lives, and
massively invest in space research
to protect the human species
and colonize our solar system.
Taxes on Billionaires should be
Seventy Five (75) percent for Inheritance Tax,
Fifty (50) percent for Salary Income Tax,
and Thirty Five (35) percent for Capital Gains Tax.
Do global environmental and population planning
to promote the greater long term
happiness, well being, and survival
of all humans.
This includes economic incentives
to reduce and reverse over population.
It includes climate, crop, and species research
so humanity has an expanded renewable
future supply of food and resources.
Do human genetic research and planet terra forming research
to increase the odds of human species survival
and expansion from planet Earth to space.
We need humans on Mars, planetoids, Europa, and beyond.
We need to genetically evolve humans to increase
the odds of human survival on Earth and in space.
We need to expand space exploration and
aggressive human colonization
for long term human species survival.
To improve the survival and quality of life of all humans,
we need to genetically evolve the human species.
We need to increase the longevity, strength,
dexterity, senses, emotional intuition,
logical intelligence, cognitive learning skills,
psychic abilities, and all other qualities
that both increases happiness from quality of life
and survivability of the human species.
We need to establish a global goal of
ending almost all human suffering,
through the Spiritual Transformation
of the Political Economic Social Environmental
Ideological System of every nation on Earth.
This includes teaching a National Ethics Class
to end the Spiritual and Psychological Root Causes
of all violence, rape, murder, and terrorism.
The class would be based on the psychological system
that I, Dale Lee Harris, invented.
By understanding the causes of all forms of human suffering
and working to end those causes,
we can make great progress on ending
almost all human suffering.
This must be a major goal in every nation
and in the world at large.
To have more jobs with better income and benefits,
there is much that we the Voters for Jobs
need to do.
The first priority is to demand that
Donald Trump
and members of congress enact
the promised Tariffs to get our jobs back
and thus get back our
TRILLON DOLLARS per year income.
We must also join and pressure existing
political organizations to take up that cause.
If that is not working well enough,
then we may need to form our own
grass roots organization of a
United Revolution of Voters for Jobs.
Advice to
Voters for Jobs
and Progressives.
DEMAND Campaign Promises
be kept NOW!!!
Voters for Jobs and Progressives
have many concerns and issues in common.
If Progressive politicians and organizations
want to win the hearts and minds of
the United Revolution of Voters for Jobs,
then they need to come on board with the idea
of DEMANDING Tariffs and Quotas
on low wage factory and part imports
to Take Back MILLIONS of USA jobs!
If the Voters for Jobs
want to be more successful at getting back
Twenty Five Million Good Paying USA Jobs
BEFORE the next election,
then they may need to form an alliance
with Progressives on the condition that
Progressives support the DEMANDS
of the United Revolution of Voters for Jobs.
To have more political power to have our goals met,
we the United Revolution of Voters for Jobs
may be willing to work together with Progressive
We may be willing to support the following issues.
Single payer health care with Medicare for all,
so all working class voters in America
have health care for their families.
The option to buy drugs from Canada,
so retired USA workers
can afford to buy medicine.
Free college or trade school
for low and middle class children
so all working class voters in America
know their children get the education
that they need to have a good life
with a good paying job.
A fifteen dollar minimum wage,
so USA workers who lost their factory jobs
and now are working low wage jobs,
will make enough money
to feed their families.
But in return,
we ask Progressive organizations
to support the following issues.
Support a Twenty Five Percent Tariff
on all imports of factory products and parts
where the factory workers make less than
Ten USA Dollars per hour.
Support a Quota on all imports
of factory products and parts
so that at least half of each
factory product and part sold in America
must either be made in the USA
or made in a nation where the
factory workers making the product
make at least Fifteen USA Dollars per hour.
Support raising taxes on Billionaires
to both balance the budget
and also pay for Hundreds of Billions of Dollars
being spent on Infrastructure
and Green Energy projects.
Overthrow the New World Order -
Global Economic Dictatorship of KINGS
with a Global Economic Democracy
The World Trade Organization
and international trade treaties
are working to destroy democracy
by allowing International Corporations
to sue governments and force the removal of laws
that protect the workers, consumers,
and citizens of the nation.
We need to replace the WTO
with a World Democracy Organization
of workers, consumers, and citizens,
that will be in charge of world trade
and standards to protect workers, consumers,
and citizens.
Understand this:
in ONE YEAR, thus adding
TWO TRILLION Dollars per year
to the income of USA workers!
America off shored over Five Million Factory Jobs!
Every factory or construction job
can add four more jobs in the economy
do to the Cash Flow Economic Effect.
Taking all off shored factory jobs back,
with Tariffs and import quotas, would thus add
Twenty Five Million USA Jobs!
If we spent one Trillion Dollars a year
on construction and green energy,
then that could create another
Five Million direct jobs
and another Twenty Million
Indirect Jobs from Cash Flow.
Thus would could add
and thus add
TWO TRILLION Dollars per year
to the income of USA workers!
Voters for Jobs are not demanding
that Fifty Million USA jobs
be added in one year.
that campaign promises be kept.
Using Tariffs and Quotas
should be able to take back
two to three million factory jobs,
and thus add ten to fifteen million
USA jobs in a year.
The promised massive spending
on infrastructure should add
at least another ten million USA jobs.
So, in the least,
keeping the campaign promises
of Donald Trump should
add Twenty to Twenty Five Million
USA Jobs within a year.
In the very least
we should see Fifteen Million USA Jobs
added before the next election in 2018!
We want to see the campaign promise kept
WE DEMAND at least
TWO MILLION factory jobs taken back,
ONE MILLION construction jobs added,
and TWELVE MILLION other jobs added
from the Cash Flow Effect,
BEFORE the next election in 2018!
Is Donald Trump the Champion of
or the Enemy of USA workers?
Were his campaign promises real,
or just lies to get voters?
I suggest that Progressives in Congress
and Progressive Organizations,
make public statements to advocate
the following.
It is time to see if Donald Trump
is a LIAR to get votes,
or is a true Champion of creating
tens of millions of
Good Paying USA Jobs.
It is also time to see
which members of Congress
are on the side of USA Jobs
and which are on the side of
the Off Shoring of USA Jobs.
I call on Donald Trump to
Prove he is NOT a LIAR for votes,
by working with leaders
of both political parties to immediately pass
Tariffs and Quotas on
low wage factory and part imports
to get back at least
Fifteen Million Good Paying
USA Jobs before the next election.
If Donald Trump does not do that
and proves he is a LIAR for votes,
then the American people should
DEMAND his Resignation or Impeachment.
Also, every member of Congress
of ANY political party,
who does not support an effective plan
to take back millions of Off Shored factory jobs
and create millions of construction jobs
BEFORE the next election in 2018,
must be voted out of office
TRUE Patriotism is
giving American workers back
their stolen factory jobs
and taxing Billionaires to finance creating
millions of Construction and
Green Energy jobs.
Any member of Congress
or candidate for Congress
who does not do that
is Anti American Worker
and MUST be defeated by
Voters for Jobs!
Advice to Progressives:
Call Trump's Bluff
then RECRUIT Trump Voters!
by Dale Lee Harris
In order to effectively promote
your own self interests
and your own cause,
you need to form a strategic plan
to enlist the help of others.
That includes doing things like the following.
Fully understand what your real self interest is.
That means questioning all assumptions
and proving what is and is not
in your real self interest.
Find and recruit people with common interests
to work with you for your common interests.
Find others who you can recruit
by supporting their interests
in exchange for them supporting your interests.
Fully understand the real interests of those
that you seek to recruit,
and then educate them as to what their
real self interest is.
Devise a strategic plan to get others
to support you in exchange for proof
to them that you will give them
what they care about the most.
Make the deal of working with others
for a common agreed upon set
of mutual interests,
so everyone gets what they want the most.
So, what are the interests of Progressives
who support Bernie Sanders and others?
It is to help the poor and middle class
have more jobs, a better income, better education,
better health care, clean air and water
for a healthier life, healthy food, better retirement,
and all of the things that promote
a better life now and in the future.
This includes things like the following,
many of which have been stated
by Bernie Sanders and others.
Taxing Billionaires to balance the budget and finance creation
of millions of construction and green energy jobs,
to help reverse income inequality,
provide jobs, fix the infrastructure problem,
and move to long term clean and cheaper energy.
Free college education so children without
rich parents can excel and have a better life.
It also helps society at large
by producing a larger pool of highly educated
people who can do new technology jobs
to help invent and build a better future
for all members of society.
Single payer medicare for all
so that every citizen is given
their God Given Right to Life,
through health care to protect their life.
Drugs from Canada and legalization of
Medical Marijuana,
so people can afford the treatments
that they need.
Fifteen dollar minimum wage,
so people who work a full time job
can provide for their children.
That means greedy company owners
no longer steel money from tax payers
by paying a non-livable wage
and then having tax payers
give food stamps and subsistence
to their employees.
Have a Progressive Take Over
of the Democratic Party so
Progressives can be elected
and Progressive issues can be implemented.
If Progressives
want to form a
Political Voting Alliance
with the UNITED REVOLUTION of Voters for Jobs,
then they must understand the real interests
and issues of Voters for Jobs.
The real interest is so all the workers in America
who have lost their High Paying Factory Jobs
can get back high paying jobs,
so they can well provide for their families.
So the issues that Voters for Jobs
care about the most include the following.
Impose a Twenty Five percent Tariff on all
factory and part imports made by workers
making less than Ten USA Dollars per Hour,
to help Take Back our FIVE MILLION
Off Shored Factory Jobs!
Also impose a Quota on Factory and part imports
so that for each product sold in America,
at least half must be made either in the USA
or in another nation where the factory workers
making the product make at least
Fifteen USA Dollars per Hour.
Support raising taxes on Billionaires
to both balance the budget
and also pay for Hundreds of Billions of Dollars
being spent on Infrastructure
and Green Energy projects.
Overthrow the World Trade Organization (WTO)
of Global Economic KINGS
and replace it
with a World Democracy Organization (WDO)
Thus world trade would no longer
be ruled by Global Economic KINGS,
but would be ruled by WE THE PEOPLE.
America started as a
and it has now become a
REVOLUTION against Economic KINGS!
So, how can progressive politicians
and progressive organizations
enlist the support of the
UNITED REVOLUTION of Voters for Jobs?
By doing the following.
Call the Bluff of Donald Trump
and prove to his supporters
that he is a LIAR
when he promised to give Americans
MILLIONS of Factory Jobs
and MILLIONS of Construction Jobs,
and therefore he is the
ENEMY of Voters for Jobs.
That is,
take Trump Voters away from Donald Trump!!!!
Prove to Voters for Jobs
that EVERY Corporate Politician,
whether Democratic or Republican,
is for the Free Trade Off Shoring
of USA Factory Jobs,
and is against using Tariffs and Quotas
to Take Back our Factory Jobs!
Prove to Voters for Jobs that
the ONLY HOPE that Voters for Jobs
have of EVER getting MILLIONS
of factory jobs back and getting
MILLIONS of high paying construction jobs
is to help Progressive Organizations
to elect candidates who will support
the issues of BOTH Progressives and
Voters for Jobs!!!
Recruit Voters for Jobs
to join Progressive Organizations
to help take over the Democratic Party,
run progressives in primaries,
and elect candidates who will
deliver the issues that both
Progressives and
Voters for Jobs
care about the most.
How CAN progressive politicians
and progressive organizations
EXPOSE Donald Trump
and Republicans as the
Free Trade ENEMIES of
Voters for Jobs
and then work to get
the issues that we care about?
By doing the following.
Bernie Sanders
or some other strong progressive
in the Senate or House
should cosponsor and introduce
a Bill to
Take Back Our Factory Jobs.
The Bill would use Tariffs and Quotas
to make it more economical for companies
to bring factory jobs back to America.
Progressive politicians should
call on Donald Trump to
Put Up or Shut Up
on his Campaign Promise
to use Tariffs to give Americans
their factory jobs back.
Progressives should join with
Voters for Jobs
to hold massive rallies to DEMAND
that both Donald Trump and every member of Congress
get on board with supporting the Bill.
IF Donald Trump does NOT get on board
and support the Bill,
then he is EXPOSED as the
Free Trade ENEMY of the
Voters for Jobs!!!
EVERY member of Congress,
Democrat or Republican,
who does not get on board
is also EXPOSED as the
Free Trade ENEMY of the
Voters for Jobs!!!
Make a list of EVERY member of Congress
who failed to get on board,
and therefore MUST be PRIMARIED!!!
IF Donald Trump fails to get on board
and keep his campaign promise
to use Tariffs to create MILLIONS of factory jobs
and also create MILLIONS of construction jobs,
then DEMAND he resign or be impeached.
Recruit MILLIONS of
Voters for Jobs
to either join organizations like
Our Revolution,
Justice Democrats, or
Brand New Congress,
or form their own organization
of Voters for Jobs.
Form a united coalition
of grass roots organizations
to rally and DEMAND
Tariffs NOW
and Tax Billionaires NOW!!!
Work very hard to recruit MILLIONS
to work very hard to
elect a new Congress
who will give us
Tariffs NOW
and Tax Billionaires NOW!!!
ATTENTION Progressive Organizations!
What should you do NOW?
Organizations like
Our Revolution, Justice Democrats,
Brand New Congress.
need to work together to hold massive rallies,
recruitment drives, and petitioning
of members of Congress.
When millions of voters say
in the streets, to others, and
to congress:
WE DEMAND Tariffs NOW and
Tax Billionaires NOW,
then it will become an issue
that people will care more about.
Do not drop the other issues
of Medicare for All,
Affordable Drugs,
Free College,
and a Livable Minimum Wage.
But include on the list both
Taxing Billionaires to finance
Construction jobs
and Taxing Low Wage Imports
to get our factory jobs back.
Including these issues
and focusing on these issues
in some rallies,
will help to recruit
Republican Voters for Jobs
to join the larger movement.
When Progressives and
Voters for Jobs
march together under the banners
of Tariffs NOW
( to get our factory jobs back )
and Tax Billionaires NOW
( to balance the budget and finance
millions of construction and
green energy jobs ),
then the vast majority
of Trump Voters
will join the larger movement
to help working class Americans.
As a result,
will obtain the following major goals.
A Progressive Voters for Jobs take over of the
Democratic Party,
by recruiting all Voters
for Jobs
to vote in Democratic primaries,
to kick Corporate Democrats
out of office and out of the Democratic Party.
A Progressive Voters for Jobs majority in
both the Senate and House,
by eliminating both
Corporate Republicans and
Corporate Democrats
from Congress.
Having the political power
to push for and achieve
the issues that both
and Voters for Jobs
care about the most.
So, unite, march, recruit, and petition.
With a united strategy,
we can achieve our goal
of a better life
for working class Americans.
Advice to: Women's Groups,
Men's Groups, AARP,
and other Social Groups.
YOU can get what YOU WANT MOST!!!
by Dale Lee Harris
By Uniting and working together,
we can all get what we want most.
Here are some of the things
that we can achieve.
We can gain support for
Planned Parenthood
and support for the medical needs
of women, families, and men.
We can address the health issues of men,
such as why men DIE Five to Seven
years sooner than women
and what can be done to give men
longer lives.
We can END the Vast Majority
of Violence, Rape, Murder, and
One way to end the Root Cause
of these things
is to establish a
National Ethics Class
based on the system of
Spiritual Psychology
invented by Dale Lee Harris.
We can expand the income
and increase the quality of life
of senior citizens.
We can work together
to better identify and meet the needs
of all members of society.
We can do far more to increase
the survival and quality of life
of the human species.
This includes far more money
being spent on medical research,
space exploration, and other
scientific fields.
Rather than meeting only with other people
who believe what you believe
and share the same issues you share,
meeting with people with other beliefs
and other issues.
Talk about how we can all work together
at the grass roots level
to help all of us
get what we want the most
for those that we love.
If all of the various social groups
are willing to vote only for candidates
who will use Tariffs and Quotas
to give our Factory Jobs back
and Tax Billionaires to give
workers MILLIONS of Construction
and Green Energy Jobs,
then the
UNITED REVOLUTION of Voters for Jobs,
may in return support the issues
and concerns of other social groups.
Advice to Trump Voters
who are Voters for Jobs
and Get Progressive help
by Dale Lee Harris
to the income of American workers!
Using Tariffs and Import Quotas to TAKE BACK
the FIVE MILLION Off Shored Factory Jobs
would generate another TWENTY MILLION
jobs in the economy from the Cash Flow
economic market effect.
That means MILLIONS of
hard working Americans
getting back high paying factory jobs
or other good paying jobs.
WE CAN ADD another TRILLION Dollars per YEAR
to the income of American workers,
for TWO TRILLION Dollars per year!
By Raising Taxes on Billionaires to both
balance the budget and finance the creation
of millions of Construction and Green Energy jobs,
together with the Cash Flow effect,
we would add Twenty Five Million good paying jobs
to the American economy.
Donald Trump made a campaign promise
to give Americans their jobs back,
including using Tariffs to
Take Back our Off Shored
Factory jobs!
Was that a Campaign LIE
to get votes,
or did he really mean it?
He also promised Construction jobs
from a massive effort to rebuild America.
that Donald Trump PROVE
that he did NOT LIE to us for votes,
Immediately doing the following.
Immediately establish a Twenty Five Percent Tariff
on all factory and part imports where workers make less
that TEN USA Dollars per hour,
to take back our factory jobs.
Immediately establish an Import Quota
so that at least Fifty Percent
of all factory products and parts sold in America
are either made in America or are made by workers
making at least FIFTEEN USA Dollars per hour,
to take back our factory jobs.
Take back at least ONE MILLION Off Shored
Factory Jobs by the end of 2017.
Raise Taxes on Billionaires to
at least Fifty Percent for Income Tax,
Thirty Five Percent for Capital Gains Tax,
and Seventy Five Percent for Inheritance Tax,
to finance both balancing the budget
and creation of MILLIONS of new
Construction and Green Energy Jobs.
Deliver at least ONE MILLION new
Construction and Green Energy Jobs
by the end of 201 7.
Have a plan to deliver millions of more
Factory Jobs, Construction Jobs,
Green Energy Jobs, and other good paying jobs
within the next Four Years.
If Donald Trump does NOT
deliver on his campaign promise
and give us ONE MILLION
new factory jobs and
ONE MILLION new construction jobs
by the end of 2017,
then WE will KNOW he is a
LIAR for votes
and is OUR ENEMY!
We will DEMAND his resignation
or his impeachment.
But, to be far more effective
at FORCING Donald Trump
to give us the factory jobs back
and the construction jobs that
he promised,
we need to get help to have
millions of more people
marching with us to DEMAND
Tariffs NOW,
a MILLION Factory Jobs NOW,
and a MILLION Construction Jobs NOW!
So how can we get the help of MILLIONS
of other voters to help us
to FORCE Donald Trump
to give us one MILLION Factory Jobs
and one MILLION Construction Jobs
by the end of 2017?
By forming a Political Alliance
with Progressive Voters.
We will promise to support their issues,
that also help us,
such as Single Payer Medicare for All,
Affordable Drugs from Canada,
Free College, and a
Fifteen Dollar an hour minimum wage.
In exchange we want them to march,
recruit, and petition congress
for our issues of
Tariffs to Take Back at least
Off Shored factory jobs
by the end of 2017 and
at least ONE MILLION Construction Jobs
added by the end of 2017.
we need to do the following.
Tell Progressive Organizations
that we will help them get what they want most,
namely Progressives taking over the
Democratic Party,
if in exchange they help to give us
what we want most,
namely ONE MILLION Factory Jobs taken back
and ONE MILLION Construction Jobs added
by the end of 2017,
or at least far sooner than the 2018 election.
Ask Women's Groups, Men's Groups,
and other social groups to also help
DEMAND MILLIONS of Factory and Construction jobs by the end of 2017,
and agree in return to be supportive of the issues
that other social groups care about.
We may join Progressive Organizations
that take up the cause of demanding
Tariffs NOW!
Or we may form our own Grass Roots
Voters for Jobs organization
to DEMAND Tariffs NOW!
In 2018,
we will PRIMARY
any Democrat or Republican
who did not work to support
Tariffs to get a million factory jobs back
and taxing billionaires to finance
a million new Construction jobs.
Far before the 2018 Election
we may all register as Democrats
to Primary
and kick all Corporate Democrats
out of the race in the Primary Election.
This will help Progressives
take over control of the Democratic Party.
We will do this
IF Progressive Organizations
add to their list of issues,
the issue of using Tariffs and Import Quotas
to take back MILLIONS of Off Shored
factory jobs!
In the 2018 general election,
we will ONLY vote for
candidates for Congress who support
Tariffs to get a million factory jobs back
and taxing billionaires to finance
a million new Construction jobs.
We do not care if that candidate
is from the Democratic Party,
Republican Party, Independent,
or even a write in candidate.
on candidates who do not support
Tariffs NOW!
So, Trump Voters who are
Voters for Jobs,
with Progressives who are
Voters for Jobs
Together we can get
MILLIONS of Factory and Construction Jobs,
AND Progressive ideas to help
working class Americans!
VOTE for JOBS!!!
VOTE Third Party
Overthrow Anti Worker Economic KINGS
by Dale Lee Harris
Voters who LOVE their families
want more good paying jobs
so they can provide for their families.
Voters who LOVE America
want more good paying jobs
for all American workers.
WE are the
Voters for Jobs.
The things we DEMAND
include the following.
Donald Trump and other politicians
must either keep their campaign promise
and give us MILLIONS of Good Paying JOBS NOW
in 2017,
or be removed from office in 2018.
If Donald Trump does not IMMEDIATELY
establish Tariffs and Import Quotas
on low wage factory products
to give Americans back at least
Off Shored Factory Jobs,
then he must either resign from office,
be impeached, or be thrown out of office
by the American people.
If Donald Trump does not IMMEDIATELY
greatly increase taxes on Billionaires
to both balance the budget
and finance creating MILLIONS
of Construction and Green Energy Jobs,
then he is a LIAR and
the ENEMY of
Voters for Jobs and
MUST be REMOVED from office!
EVERY Member of Congress
who does NOT support Tariffs,
Import Quotas, Taxing Billionaires,
and creating MILLIONS of Good Paying Jobs
must be kicked out of office.
How are WE the Cross Party REVOLUTION
of Voters for Jobs going to
kick all Free Trade and Corporate Slave
politicians out of office,
and elect candidates on the side of
Giving Americans BACK MILLIONS of Factory jobs
and creating MILLIONS of Construction and
Green Energy jobs?
Some ideas are the following.
Unite Voters for Jobs
in all political parties, independents,
and current non voters
to unite and vote based only on
which candidates will do more
to give Americans MILLIONS
of Factory, Construction, Green Energy,
and other Good Paying Jobs!
Primary all members of Congress
who are not strong advocates for
Tariffs, Import Quotas,
Taxing Billionaires,
Creating Construction Jobs,
and Creating MILLIONS of
Good Paying Jobs.
If both the Democratic Party candidate
and the Republican Party candidate
is not a strong supporter of
giving Americans back
MILLIONS of Factory jobs
through Tariffs and Quotas,
then vote for a Third Party Candidate
or a write in candidate who does
fight for taking back MILLIONS
of Factory jobs.
Now, some will say that if you do not
vote for a major party candidate,
then you are wasting your vote.
The TRUTH is that if neither
major party candidate will work to
give us our factory jobs back,
then voting for either major party
is wasting your vote!
Here are some arguments
for voting of a Third Party candidate
who will work to take back
MILLIONS of factory jobs.
Voting on principle tells candidates
in both major parties that there are people
who do turn out and vote
and who would vote for a major party candidate
who fights to take back
MILLIONS of factory jobs.
If you prefer Candidate X of Party X
over Candidate Y of Party Y,
but your candidate is behind in the poles
by over Ten Points,
then voting for her or him
will be Wasting your vote,
since he or she will lose anyway.
So, it would be far better
to make a statement and vote on principle
for Candidate Z of Party Z
who does support Tariffs and Quotas
to Take Back MILLIONS of Factory Jobs!
If we can recruit enough voters
to vote for a Third Party candidate,
if the two major candidates do not
fight to take back MILLIONS of factory jobs,
then WE CAN elect a Third Party Candidate
who will give us MILLIONS of jobs!
We can not give up on getting our FIVE MILLION factory jobs back.
We can not give up on taxing Billionaires to create
MILLIONS of Construction and Green Energy jobs.
We can not give up on ending income inequality
by taxing Billionaires at a rate of
Seventy Five Percent for Inheritance,
Fifty Percent for Income, and
Thirty Five Percent for Capital Gains.
We can not give up on ending
the WTO Global Dictatorship of Economic KINGS,
and replacing it with a
World Democracy Organization (WDO)
of WE THE PEOPLE to rule the world!
We can recruit voters, Primary candidates,
and vote only for candidates who will give us
what WE DEMAND!!!
Advice to Progressive Organizations
RECRUIT Trump and Republican
Voters for Jobs
by Educating Voters !!!
Corporate Politicians Hurt YOUR Children
by Dale Lee Harris
By using Talking Point Advertisement LIES
to brainwash voters into believing that
the Republican Party is the Jobs Party
and the Democratic Party is the Anti Jobs Party,
Corporate Politicians have used
Marketing Psychology to brainwash voters
into voting against their own self interest.
They have also BRIBED some Democrats
to support Free Trade Treaties
to Off Shore Factory jobs
to PROVE some Democrats
are in fact ANTI JOBS!!!
The Brainwashing of Voters
and the corruption of Corporate Democrats
has resulted in many
Voters for Jobs
voting for Donald Trump and Republicans.
The question is,
how can Progressive Organizations
and REAL Advocates for Jobs
change political reality so that
the American people get the jobs they want?
I believe a key strategy is to do the following.
Educate voters to understand the truth
so they are not fooled by the lies
of Corporate Politicians
into voting against their self interest.
Explain to Voters the best strategies
for actually giving American workers
MILLIONS of Factory Jobs back
and MILLIONS of new Construction jobs.
Ask voters to become politically active
and work to help implement the best plan
for Americans to get MILLIONS
of more jobs and at least a
TRILLION Dollars per year
in added income for American workers.
One way to help educate voters
is with a speech like the following.
Corporate Politicians
and HURT YOUR Children !!!
by Dale Lee Harris
Voters in American know for a fact that
Corporate Politicians of BOTH
political parties are
I have a plan to
Off Shored Factory Jobs,
Create MILLIONS of Construction
and Green Energy Jobs,
and SAVE OUR Children
from the
Global Economic KINGS.
One of the first steps is to know
who is LYING to you
in order to HURT YOU and YOUR children.
If a Corporate Politician
of EITHER political party
throws you off a cliff,
then he or she has killed you!
But if he or she tells you that
there is a pot of gold at the bottom
of the cliff and you need to jump
to get it,
then the Corporate Politician
has made you KILL YOURSELF.
They are using LIES
to get voters to hurt themselves
and hurt their children.
So, we must recognize and reject
their lies.
One of the LIES or Deceitful HALF TRUTHS
Corporate Politicians
tell all the time is the following.
Cutting Taxes and Regulations
is the way to create jobs.
The TRUTH IS the following.
Cutting taxes on the poor and middle class
will create jobs,
but Corporate Politicians
are NOT talking about that.
They are talking about cutting taxes
on Billionaires and Corporations.
Cutting Taxes on Billionaires DESTROYS Jobs!!!
Cutting taxes on Billionaires and International Corporations
reduces the revenue needed
for construction jobs,
health care jobs,
education jobs,
and other jobs created by
government spending.
This results in
less healthy children, workers, and elderly.
This hurts our children and retired Americans.
This also results in
a less educated work force
and therefore fewer jobs with lower wages.
This both destroys jobs and
hurts workers and our children.
Cutting Regulations DESTROYS Jobs
and KILLS Children!!!
It was cutting Financial Regulations
that DESTROYED our economy
When Environmental Regulations are cut,
it allows Evil Corporations
to poison the water and air
that causes children to be unhealthy,
live shorter lives, and die!
The TRUTH is that
cutting taxes on Billionaires
and cutting Financial and Environmental Regulations
and KILLS OUR Children.
Cutting Taxes and Regulations
DESTROYS Jobs and KILLS Children!!!
Another of the LIES or Deceitful HALF TRUTHS
Corporate Politicians
tell all the time is the following.
Taxing and Spending is Bad.
The TRUTH IS the following.
Taxing the poor is bad,
so there should be a ZERO percent income tax
on people with a poverty income
of less than Twenty Thousand Dollars per year.
However, Corporate Politicians
are not talking about cutting taxes on the poor.
Taxing Billionaires at a rate of
at least Fifty Percent on Income,
Thirty Five Percent on Capital Gains,
and Seventy Five Percent on Inheritance
is good.
This would finance more spending
to create more jobs for workers.
Wasteful excessive spending on the military
may be bad.
However, Corporate Politicians
are not talking about that.
Massive government spending
on construction,
health care,
and scientific research
is good.
It can create millions of jobs
in the economy,
protect the health and lives of citizens,
create more scientists to
invent new technologies,
and create more long term prosperity.
The TRUTH is that
taxing Billionaires
and spending on programs
to create jobs and
help society,
is very very good!
Taxing and Spending is GOOD,
because it CREATES Jobs
So how should we, the
UNITED REVOLUTION of Voters for Jobs,
counter the Deceitful LIES and HALF TRUTHS
of Corporate Politicians of BOTH political parties?
By doing the following.
When ever Corporate Politicians
try to FOOL Voters into
with their Deceitful HALF TRUTHS,
expose their statements as Deceitful HALF TRUTHS.
Counter with our own Talking Points
which are the REAL TRUTH.
Call on voters to kick out of office
all Corporate Politicians
who serve the International Billionaire Corporate KINGS,
rather than serving WE THE PEOPLE.
To be effective,
we need a very short and strong set of talking points
that we say over and over again
so people get the message, believe it,
and vote based on that message.
We also need a longer set of talking points
that more fully explains the short message
to prove to voters that the short message is true.
The short talking point message
should be the following.
Cutting Taxes and Regulations
DESTROYS Jobs and KILLS Children!!!
Taxing and Spending is GOOD,
because it CREATES Jobs
The Cross Party REVOLUTION of
Voters for Jobs will KICK
OUT of Office EVERY
Corporate Sell Out Politician,
who wants to Cut Regulations,
Cut Taxes on Billionaires,
and Cut Spending on Job Creation.
Our longer Talking Points
and message to voters should be the following.
Regulations, Tariffs, Taxing Billionaires, and
Government Spending on Jobs,
Health Care, and Education
to create jobs and
save human lives.
The TRUIH is that
Financial Regulations protect job growth,
while cutting Financial Regulations
causes Economic Meltdown
which DESTROYS Jobs!
The TRUTH is that
Environmental Regulations
on clean air and water saves lives,
while cutting Environmental Regulations
brain damage, organ damage,
and death of children,
adults, and seniors.
The TRUTH is that
a Twenty Five Percent Tariff
on all factory and part imports where workers
make less than Ten USA Dollars per hour
and a Quota that half of the products and parts
sold in America
must be made either in the USA or by workers
making at least Fifteen USA Dollars per hour,
is the BEST way
to TAKE BACK the MILLIONS of Off Shored
Factory jobs and GET BACK MILLIONS of other jobs
from the Cash Flow Effect.
Opposition to Tariffs and Import Quotas
is Anti USA Worker!
The TRUTH is that
taxing Billionaires at a rate
of at least Fifty Percent for Income Tax,
Thirty Five Percent for Capital Gains,
and Seventy Five Percent for Inheritance,
and then using that to finance
both balancing the budget
and massive spending on
Construction and Green Energy Jobs,
is one of the best ways
to create MILLIONS of Jobs!
Cutting taxes on Billionaires
and cutting Government Spending
on jobs, DESTROYS Jobs!
The TRUTH is that
Government Spending to provide
Single Payer Medicare for All
both creates Health Care JOBS
The TRUTH is that
Government Spending on
FREE High School Education
and FREE College Education
both creates more Education JOBS
and creates a highly educated
job market for more good jobs
and greater prosperity.
Those opposed to Education Spending
to educate the children of America
are Anti Children and Anti Prosperity.
I call on Progressive Organizations,
like Our Revolution, Justice Democrats,
and Brand New Congress,
to recruit Trump Voters for Jobs
and Republican Voters for Jobs
We can all get what we want the most
by working together to get what we agree on.
We can work together on the following
common goals.
Tariffs and Quotas to get our Factory Jobs back.
Taxing Billionaires to balance the budget
and finance creation of MILLIONS of Construction
and Green Energy Jobs.
Stronger Regulations (Financial and Environment)
to PROTECT Jobs and SAVE Lives.
Single Payer Medicare for all.
Educating OUR CHILDREN to give them
a better life,
by providing FREE College.
Having Fifteen Dollars an Hour
as a living Minimum Wage.
We can also recruit
Women's Groups, Men's Groups,
Senior Groups, and Other Groups
to JOIN the UNITED Revolution.
If they support our issues
of Taking Back MILLIONS of Factory Jobs
and Creating MILLIONS of Construction
and Green Energy Jobs,
then we will support their issues.
To best accomplish the goals of
Voters for Jobs,
we should do the following.
We might want to join an organization like
Our Revolution, Justice Democrats,
or Brand New Congress.
Or we may want to start our own
organization of Voters for Jobs.
We should register as Democrats,
so we can vote in the Democratic Primary.
We must Primary EVERY
Corporate Sell Out Democrat
to kick them out of office
and out of the Democratic Party!
In the General Election,
do NOT vote for any party
but ONLY vote for the candidate
who does the most to support
Tariffs, Import Quotas,
Taxing Billionaires,
and Government Spending
on Construction and Green Energy Jobs.
Also vote based on other issues
such as Universal Health Care for all,
Free College, Minimum Wage of Fifteen Dollars,
Women's Issues, Men's Issues,
Senior Issues, and Other Issues.
If neither major party candidate
is good enough,
then vote for a Third Party candidate
or a write in candidate.
Be politically active by
keeping informed,
having local meetings,
recruiting members,
attending town hall meetings,
and petitioning Congress
for the changes we want.
Continue the American Revolution
against KINGS!
Overthrow the
World Trade Organization (WTO)
Global Dictatorship of Economic KINGS,
and replace it with the
Global Democracy Organization (WDO)
If we join with other groups
and work together,
then we can win
The United Revolution
against Economic KINGS!
We can take back
MILLIONS of Off Shored
factory jobs and create
MILLIONS of Construction
and Green Energy Jobs.
JOIN the NEW American Revolution Against KINGS,
this time the Global Economic KINGS!
UNITE Progressive Organizations,
the UNITED Cross-Party Revolution of Voters for Jobs,
all USA workers and Labor Unions,
Senior Organizations like AARP,
Men's Health Organizations,
all Women's Organizations,
and all other Political-Social groups.
Fight for our common goals of
Health Care for Everyone NOW,
affordable drugs NOW,
Free College NOW,
Living Minimum Wage NOW,
Local leaders all of organizations
need to meet together on how we can
work together for our common goals.
We must unite, organize, recruit,
protest, and petition
so WE can ALL GET
what WE WANT the MOST!!
Work for all of our Common issues,
like Medicare for all, Health Care for Seniors,
Health needs of Men,
Health needs of Women,
affordable drugs, free college,
a living minimum wage, etc
Tax Billionaires to balance the budget
and finance government spending to create MILLIONS
of Construction and Green Energy jobs.
(Taxing and Spending is Good. It creates jobs!)
Add Financial Regulations to Protect OUR Jobs
and Environmental Regulations to Protect OUR Lives!
(Regulations are Good. They protect our jobs and our lives.)
Kick out of office all members of Congress
who oppose taxes on Billionaires,
oppose Government Spending to Create jobs,
and oppose Regulations that protect
OUR jobs and OUR lives.
Kick EVERY Anti Worker Corporate Politician
out of the Democratic Party in Primaries.
Kick EVERY Anti Worker Corporate Politician
out of office in the General Election.
End all Free Trade Treaties
that Off Shore American Factory Jobs.
Replace the World Trade Organization (WTO)
of Economic KINGS with a
World Democracy Organization (WDO)
Comrade Trump Care
Kills Americans
Medicare NOW
Prosecute NOW
by Dale Lee Harris
Comrade Trump Care
will take people off Medicaid,
put older Americans in a
high risk pool so they can
no longer afford health insurance,
and remove requirements on companies
to provide needed insurance
to their employees.
This will kill poor Americans,
kill older Americans,
and kill American workers.
It is time for workers,
seniors, and other Americans
to unite and work together
to stop Comrade Trump
from killing them
by taking away their health care.
To protect our lives,
Congress needs to either
pass a Single Payer Medicare for all Bill,
or pass a Bill that allows any American
to opt into Medicare.
If Comrade Trump Care
puts you in a High Risk Pool
so you can no longer afford
medical insurance,
then you need to have the option
to join Medicare and
pay $100 a month
for your medical insurance.
Billionaires need to be taxed
to pay for Medicare for all Americans.
If there is any money left over
because everyone does not choose
to sign up for Medicare,
then spend that extra money
on creating Construction Jobs
and Green Energy jobs
for Americans who need jobs.
All workers in America,
Progressive Organizations,
Senior Organizations,
Men's Health Organizations,
Women's Organizations,
and many other groups
need to meet together
and talk about how to
work together
to protect all of our lives.
All organizations
need to work together
on the local level
to unite, organize,
recruit, march, protest,
and petition.
When you have a march,
contact every local media
and get coverage of the march.
Hand out flyers or business cards
at train stations, churches,
and other locations
to recruit people to join
and attend rallies.
If Comrade Trump Care
takes away our health care,
that could kill us!
We must act like our lives
depend on it, because it does!
In addition,
when we march and petition,
we also need to demand
that Comrade Trump be prosecuted
for the connection between
his campaign and Russian spies.
Demand a special prosecutor
and that the special prosecutor
should be either James Comey or Sally Yates.
Jeff Sessions was involved
in the firing of James Comey,
who is investigating him.
That is obstruction of justice.
That is a high crime.
If he did work with Russian Spies,
then that is Treason.
Congress needs to do the following.
Establish a Special Prosecutor,
preferably either James Comey
or Sally Yates.
Also establish a Senate
task force to investigate
the high crimes and possible treason.
Someone like John McCain
would be a good chair.
Recommend the new FBI Director
shall be Preet Bharara
Start impeachment hearings
for Jeff Sessions.
When sufficient evidence is available,
impeach Donald Trump.
If Vice President Pence
was also involved,
then impeach Mike Pence.
I advise all workers in America,
all progressive organizations in America,
all senior groups in America,
all Men's Health Groups in America,
all Women's Groups in America
and all other groups in America
who do NOT want to DIE
from having their health care
taken away from them.
When you march,
hold up signs that say the following.
Comrade Trump Care
Kills Americans
Medicare NOW
Prosecute NOW
Invite local, national,
and internet news media.
Chant the following.
Comrade Trump Care
Kills Americans.
Medicare NOW!
Prosecute NOW!
Also, write and sing songs
about how Comrade Trump
will kill Americans
with Comrade Trump Care.
Also sing songs about
how Comrade Trump lied about creating jobs.
Comrade Trump has
not used Tariffs to get our
factory jobs back
from Communist China,
and had no intention
to do so.
Comrade Trump has
not taxed billionaires
to finance creating
construction jobs
and green energy jobs.
Comrade Trump is the enemy
of American workers,
USA Factory jobs,
Construction jobs,
and Green Energy jobs.
Comrade Trump
is the enemy of America.
Prosecute Comrade Trump.
Impeach Comrade Trump.
Impeach Mike Pence.
Impeach Jeff Sessions.
Comrade Trump Care KILLS Americans
and get MILLIONS of Factory Jobs
Talking Points
by Dale Lee Harris
We must repeat talking points with strong emotions
and motivations to get people to listen.
When people listen, then we can prove our assertions
so voters will know the truth
and vote to SAVE their OWN LIVES.
Suggested Comrade Trump Care Talking Points.
Comrade Trump Care KILLS Americans
Celebrating passing Comrade Trump Care
is Celebrating Killing Americans
We DEMAND the FREEDOM to Choose Medicare
over expensive private insurance.
Our LIVES depend on kicking out of office
all who voted for Comrade Trump Care.
The above list of Talking Points
should be posted on web pages,
face book pages, and flyers.
The pages should be advertised
through twitter, emails,
robo calls, and business cards.
Also, recruit people to join
organizations to help
kick out of office all who
voted for Comrade Trump Care.
Elect people who will give Americans
the FREEDOM to choose Medicare
over expensive private insurance.
Tell others about this information.
Original posting was
at the Voters For Jobs Web Site.
To get voters to vote for more jobs
and a better life for their families,
use talking points to educate voters.
Tariffs and Import Quotas
can take back millions
of off shored factory jobs.
Taxing Billionaires and Spending
on American products and services
Creates millions of American factory
and construction jobs.
Financial Regulations prevent meltdowns
and Protects Jobs
Environmental Regulations prevent
poisoned air and water and Saves Lives
Tariffs, Import Quotas, Taxing Billionaires,
Spending on USA products, and regulations
create USA jobs and save American lives.
The only way we will get millions
of factory and construction jobs
and save American lives,
is to kick out of office
all politicians who say that
Tariffs, Import Quotas, Taxing Billionaires,
Spending on USA products, and Regulations
are bad things.
Health Care Long Talking Points:
Comrade Trump Care Kills Americans
It makes health care unaffordable
for seniors over 40
and those with pre existing conditions.
( Costs can be many times higher. )
It takes away needed coverage
from workers on full time jobs.
( Companies can now drop coverage
of things they do not want to cover. )
It takes away medicaid coverage
from the most needy in America.
( Funding for Medicaid is reduced. )
By taking away coverage and making
health care unaffordable,
Trump Care KILLS Americans.
We the Seniors, Workers, and needy
of America do not want to be KILLED
by Comrade Trump Care
Every Republican in Congress
who celebrated KILLING Americans
by passing Comrade Trump Care
in the House, must be removed
from Office.
We have the names of all of the
Republicans in the Houses
that Celebrated KILLING Americans,
and we will see how much
they celebrate when they are
no longer members of Congress.
Medicare SAVES Lives Talking Points.
Medicare is cheaper than other
insurance plans and covers
all major needed health care.
If we tax billionaires
to give every American
the FREEDOM to choose
Medicare over private insurance,
then every American will be covered.
The FREEDOM of everyone to choose
Medicare will give everyone
good coverage at a low cost,
and therefore SAVE LIVES.
Medicare for all may be preferable.
But we will allow every American
the FREEDOM to either choose
to be on Medicare for good
coverage at a low cost,
or be on Private Insurance
for bad coverage at a high cost.
To combat Russian Spying, Congress should do the following.
Checks and Balances requires Congress to either
demand the creation of a Special Prosecutor
or create one themselves.
The Special Prosector should be James Comey or Sally Yates.
The Chair of the Senate Russia Hack committee should be John McCane
The New FBI Director should be Preet Bharara
Immediately Impeach Jeff Sessions for the High Crime
of obstruction of justice for acts of Treason.
Later Impeach Donald Trump, Mike Pence, and others.