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Every Progressive Candidate for Congress, and her or his staff, who wants a LANDSLIDE Victory MUST listen to my EXPERT Advice.

I am an EXPERT on using Voter Psychology, Voter Education, and Target Messaging to win ALL Major Voting Blocs, and thus have a LANDSLIDE Victory. The key to a LANDSLIDE is to not just turn out the base and win independents, but also STEAL Voting Blocs from your opponent!

By taking the non-college White, Christian, and over forty voting Blocs from Republicans, Republicans are left with NO BASE. That means LANDSLIDE Victories for Progressives and perhaps ZERO Republicans in Congress!!!

My advice is on YouTube videos, which are linked to at my web page:

Those videos form a short class that explains some of the Advanced Voter Psychology SECRETS to a LANDSLIDE Victory.

Below is a list of some of the KEY VICTORY SECRETS taught in some videos.

Title: Get Angry and Vote to LIVE.

Title: Reverse Brainwash Suicidal Voters.

Title: Advice to Unions, NARAL, Seniors, and Progressives

Title: Advice on Shutdown, DACA, and the Wall.

Title: Billionaire Tax Cut KILLS YOU

The Economic Dictators of America and their Republican servants will continue to impoverish and kill Americans, until the American people start a REVOLUTION to kick every Killer Republican out of Congress, We need to recruit the masses to join the REVOLUTION for democracy.

Every worker in American should donate at least 100 dollars to progressive candidates, so American workers will get a TRILLION Dollars per year more in income.

A 25 percent tariff on all factory imports where workers make less then ten USA dollars per hour, would take back the five million off shored factory jobs. Cash flow creates four other jobs for every high paying factory job. Adding twenty five million jobs, with an average wage for forty thousand, means one TRILLION Dollars per year more in income for American workers. If we also tax billionaires to pay for hundreds of billions being spent on construction and green energy, then that could add another one hundred billion dollars per year in income for American workers. It is well worth it for an American worker to donate one hundred dollars to progressive candidates, since it could give them back thousands of dollars per year.

Every Senior in American should donate at least 100 dollars to progressive candidates, to save the income and the LIVES of seniors and babies.

Every Christian in America should donate at least 100 dollars to progressive candidates, to save the life of God by saving the lives of the needy. Matthew 25:31-46.

A 100 dollar donation to progressive candidates from tens of millions of voters would mean BILLIONS in funding and will SAVE America from Economic Dictatorship and restore the rule of WE THE PEOPLE. Donating to progressive candidates will give Americans back their income, lives, freedom, and democracy.

Get Angry and Vote to LIVE

Reverse Brainwash Suicidal Voters

Advice to Unions, NARAL, Seniors, and Progressive

Advice on Shutdown, DACA, and the Wall

Billionaire Tax Cut KILLS YOU

Revolution against Trump Republican Budget

Trump budget KILLS Trump Voters

Anti Choice is Anti Jesus