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END YOUR Suffering through REVOLUTION |
END YOUR Suffering through REVOLUTION
by Dale Lee Harris
Copyright © 2017 by Dale Lee Harris
NOTE: Members of the Women's Movement and
the Progressive Movement may read my
Sermon for Women in public.
There is a Spiritual War in America, between the EVIL Economic Dictators who are causing YOUR Suffering, and the GOOD American People who need their suffering to end! EVIL Economic Dictators are the Servants of Money and follow the Religion of Money. GOOD American People are the Servants of God and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ on Love for Others and Compassion for the Needy. Jesus Christ told the rich man to give everything he had to the poor, so Jesus might favor a one hundred percent inheritance tax on Billionaires. Jesus Christ said that on Judgement Day, failing to provide for the needy would be considered to be the same thing as failing to provide for God. Yet many who claim to be Christians want to cut taxes on Billionaires and let God suffer! Know this: the suffering of the needy IS the suffering of God! Causing the needy to suffer, IS causing God to suffer!
America began as a revolution to overthrow Political Dictators, or Kings, and establish the rule of the people. Political Dictators inherited their political power to rule over others. They claimed to have the Divine Right to rule others and cause the suffering of others. They claimed the people had neither the right nor the power to end their suffering, so the people must accept what ever suffering they were given to endure.
Thomas Jefferson disagreed in the Declaration of Independence. He said that the only Divine Right is the rights that God has given to The People. He said that the only rights that rulers have comes from the consent of the people, and is based on protecting the rights of the people. The people have the right to remove from power any ruler who does not serve them, abolish any political-economic system that does not serve them, and establish a political-economic system that does serve the people.
Jesus Christ advocated a political-economic democracy. Jesus said: Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and their great ones exercise authority upon them. But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister: And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all. Mark 10:41-44. What political system has the leader of the nation viewed to be the servant of the people? Only a democracy. Thus Jesus Christ advocated a democratic political system and a democratic economic system. Thus the viewpoint of Thomas Jefferson of the people ruling the political-economic system and choosing the leaders of the political-economic system, is consistent with the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Today America is ruled by Economic Dictators. Like the dictators of the past, they inherit their economic power to rule over others. They may claim the right to inherit ownership of America. They may tell you that you have neither the right nor the power to end your suffering, so you must accept what ever suffering they give you. However, the rate of inheritance tax is based on the will of the people and the people are the rightful owners and rulers of America! Jesus Christ said that the meek shall inherit ownership of the Earth. So, raising inheritance tax to end Economic Dictatorship and to end the suffering of the American people, is the will of God!
The Right of Ownership is based on private ownership of your own body and the product of your labor, collective ownership of natural resources like air and water that we share, and other ownership based on the laws and rules of society. The people should set those laws and rules to be in the interest of all citizens, society, and the human species. Ending Human Suffering, promoting Economic Growth, and protecting human species survival, requires economically rewarding those who contribute more to those goals. That means less wealth in the hands of the TAKERS who live off the labor of workers, inherit wealth, or steal wealth. It means more wealth in the hands of the MAKERS, like Engineers, Computer Scientists, other Scientists, and others who invent products that generate wealth. Not only should there be free four years of college for those with the aptitude, but also free college to the PhD level for the smartest students in invention fields. We need to have a Seventy Five Percent Inheritance Tax on Billionaires and more money going to those who invent products that create wealth for all of society.
Those who invent products that create great wealth for society should become billionaires in their life time, and their children should be allowed to inherit twenty five percent of that. But the bulk of the inherited wealth of the Super Rich should go to educating the masses to be more productive, educating the next generation of inventors to the PhD level, building a wealth generating infrastructure, building energy wealth generation products such as solar panels and wind mills, and reducing costs by ending the human suffering of the poor and middle class. That is how we end more human suffering, promote far greater generation of wealth, and do far more to protect the survival of the human species.
HOW WE are Suffering
Understand how YOU and the American people are suffering and how WE THE PEOPLE can unite to end OUR suffering. The suffering of the American people includes the following.
Know This: the top ONE percent of Americans have FORTY percent of all wealth in America! So let's not ever say that we can not afford to end suffering in America. WHEN will we have a Seventy Five percent inheritance tax on the top ONE percent to help reverse income inequality?
There is a great deal we can do to end the vast majority of the suffering of the American people. Some of the ideas are the following.
How can we get all of these things done? By kicking out of Congress all members who are servants of the International Economic Dictators. That means defeating any candidate for congress who does not support most or all of the list of things above. By electing to Congress, servants of democracy and the people, not servants of Economic Dictators. How can we do that? By recruiting millions of people to join Our Revolution and/or Justice Democrats and donate just one hundred dollars and a few hours to elect Progressives.
The COST of doing NOTHING.
It is true that joining the Revolution to Overthrow Economic Dictatorship, recruiting others, donating some money, and donating some time, will cost you some money and some time. But not doing so could cost you much more in money and the suffering of yourself and your family. If your child dies because you did not spend time working for Medicare for All, then will you be able to forgive yourself? The COST of doing NOTHING is FAR FAR greater than the cost of working for an America ruled by WE THE PEOPLE.
The Corporate News Media does not fully educate Americans on how bad it is now, so the people will not have a revolution against the Economic Dictators. But, know this, things keep getting worse, and if we do nothing, things will get far worse than you want to imagine.
There is already an Economic Directorship in America, where the Economic Dictators have bought and own most members of Congress. There is already an evolving International Economic Dictatorship under the World Trade Organization. How much worse can it get? Try Bible Prophecy. The Anti Christ will be a Global Economic Dictator with the power to deny anyone the right to buy and sell. Who will be the Anti Christ? It will be someone who is already an Economic Dictator, no doubt in a powerful nation like the United States of America. He may be one of the Economic Dictators who has bought and owns the United States Congress. So, the Anti Christ may already rule the United States of America!
To save America from the suffering it is already enduring and the far great suffering it will endure, we need a Revolution to Overthrow the International Economic Dictators and the Anti Christ.
The freedom, well being, and life of yourself and your family may depend on you joining that revolution!
WAKE UP and FIGHT BACK before it is TOO LATE!
The Economic Dictators use a divide and conquer tactic. If they can create fighting between men and women, whites and monitories, and Christians and others, then they can keep the masses of the people from uniting to overthrow the Economic Dictator oppressors. To END the suffering of the Ninety Nine Percent, we must END our divisions and unite to end our suffering.
Only when the Voting Blocs of men, women, whites, minorities, Christians, and others vote together to end Economic Dictatorship CAN Economic Dictatorship END!
Anyone who says, I am on the side of women and minorities is Sexist, Racist, and a servant of the Economic Dictators. It is sexist against men to have lack of understanding and compassion for the suffering of men. It is racist against whites to have lack of understanding and compassion for white men who are also oppressed. It serves only the Economic Dictators to put Women and Minorities on one side and White Men on the other. It also hurts the masses to divide Christians against women. We must end our divisions so we can unite and work together to end Economic Dictatorship.
White workers MUST be champions for blacks and other races, if they want to help themselves! White workers care most about getting back the five million factory jobs off shored and getting millions of other good paying factory jobs. Blacks care about many issues, including their right to vote. Whites need to understand that the only way they will get their factory jobs back, is to defeat Corporate Politicians who will never get our factory jobs back. Stand with black voters so they have the right to vote, and you have more votes to elect candidates who will ban, limit, or tax low wage factory imports to get our factory jobs back. March together with banners that read give us our right to vote and give us our factory jobs back.
Women MUST be champions for men, if they want to help themselves! If a candidate for Congress says he supports Women's Issues but does not also say that he supports Men's Issues, then he will alienate male voters and lose far more male voters than he gains female voters. As a result, he will lose, and the concerns of women will not be addressed. Besides, it is Sexist to only care about one gender.
Rather than working for women's health, work for both women's health and men's health. Then the specific health needs of both genders will be met. Rather that working just to end the rape of women, work to end violence, rape of women, and murder of men. The vast majority of homicide victims are men. Why would anyone have compassion on female rape victims, but not have compassion on male murder victims? Only by supporting the issues of both genders can we unite men and women to work together and vote together for their common goal of ending Economic Dictatorship and the enslavement of both male and female workers.
Women must be champions for the teachings of Jesus, if they want to win Christian Voters to follow the Values of Jesus, rather than the False Doctrines of Men. If Christian voters followed Jesus, rather than their pastor, then they would vote to raise taxes on Billionaires and spend more on programs to help the needy. That includes health care needs for poor women. But, the Economic Dictators have bribed pastors and church leaders with donations, so they will be Servants of Money rather than Servants of God. Women need to witness to every church member in America and tell them to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, not the FALSE Doctrines of Men.
Tell Christians to follow Jesus, NOT Servants of Money
First some background. Realize that the Radical Billionaires or International Economic Dictators pay good money to have some very smart people working for them. That will of course include experts in Advertising, communicating in a way to influence the thinking and actions of others, and advance psychology related to brainwashing.
A well known idea in psychology is that human Value-Beliefs have a large control over human behavior. In my book, Self Transformation Psychology, on the system of Spiritual Psychology that I invented, I explain that it is rather what I call the Loyalty-Value-Belief System that has major direct control over human behavior. In brief it is your perceptions of what is you, what is your survival, what is good to do, the nature of things, and the consequences of actions, which in large part controls what actions you will choose. Therefore, if you can control how people perceive self, survival, good, the label put on people, and the consequence of actions, then you can control the actions that people choose. This includes the action of what political label, party, and candidate they vote for.
In the Psychological Model in my book, I also explain the larger system of control inside your mind. I explain that most people are not free to think for themselves, but are rather programmed like an android on what to think and do. How do they control your perception of self, survival, good, labels, and action consequence? With psychological methods of brainwashing. For example, the human need for social approval and social belonging is a strong driving force that can be used to control your perceptions of self, survival, good, labels, and consequences, and thus control your actions of which candidates you vote for! As a result they can order you to believe things that are obviously false and even order you to greatly harm yourself by voting against your own self interest! You have become their MIND SLAVE ANDROID that believes what they order you to believe and do what they order you to do.
For the masses to be free to know how to act in their own self interest, they must first be taught how they are being brainwashed and helped to be free to think for themselves. People must be free to believe based on evidence, not believe based on what they have been ordered to believe. The Psychology of De-Brainwashing includes making people understand that it is in their survival self interest to believe based on evidence and learn what is true and false.
The Economic Dictators and their servants train others in methods of psychological manipulation to control the beliefs and actions of others. One example is the Corporate News Media using words and voice intonations to create a bad association with words and ideas. When a brainwasher says Those tax and spend liberals with a derogatory tone of voice, they communicate several things: taxing and spending is bad and being labeled as a liberal means loss of your human need for social approval and social belonging. Because of your human need for social approval and social belonging, weak minded people will automatically obey and believe that it is bad to tax and spend and it is bad to be a liberal. the truth is that taxing billionaires to finance government spending to create millions of jobs is good for working class Americans. But, a few words and intonations have ordered Androids to believe false things and act against their own self interest.
Another example is when a brainwasher says the words You don't want to be a Socialist do you in a threatening tone of voice. Again the threat, that supporting socialism will cost you social approval and social belonging, will cause the weak minded to respond, Oh no, I am not one of those Socialists! Again, you are nothing more than a programmed Android who believes what you are ordered to believe and do what you are ordered to do, by your brainwashers. To be free, be aware of how they brainwash you, question everything people tell you and order you to believe, and evaluate what the real truth is. The truth is that the Socialism of Social Security and Medicare is good, because it helps older retired Americans have a better quality of life after a life time of work. When I am asked, you do not want to be a Socialist do you, I say Jesus Christ was a Socialist and advocated for the rich to help the poor, so if you are against Socialism, then you are against Jesus Christ. No one bullies me into believing false ideas like Socialism is bad.
OK, now I can explain how Christians are brainwashed into being the servants of the International Economic Dictators and the Anti Christ. One of the major keys to controlling what people do is to control what they believe is good or bad to do. So how can they get Christians to believe that it is good for them to vote the way the International Economic Dictators and the Anti Christ want them to vote? By paying those in charge of telling the masses what is good and bad to tell the masses it is good to vote for the policies supported by the Economic Dictators!
Pastors of churches already tell their followers that if they do not believe the doctrines of the church, then when they die they will be tortured in hell for all of eternity. Thus, the followers are more than deathly afraid to not believe what they are ordered to believe. All these pastors have to do is tell their followers that they should vote for Conservative politicians who want to cut taxes on billionaires and cut programs in order to cause the great suffering and death of the needy. The Followers of the Church but NOT of Jesus will then vote against the teachings of Jesus Christ! What do these Servants of Money Pastors get? A salary and sometimes great wealth and a TV station. Serving the International Economic Dictators and the Anti Christ pays well!
Can you imagine. Some Christian Leaders may even say that voters should vote for a pedophile for the United States Senate as long as he is a Conservative Republican who wants to cut taxes on billionaires! We NEED a National Prayer Vigil to make sure that a pedophile is NOT elected to be a United States Senator, even if some Christian Leaders support pedophiles who want to cut taxes on billionaires!
So, HOW can we get Christians to follow JESUS CHRIST, rather than Servant of Money Pastors who tell their followers to vote for politicians who want to cut taxes on billionaires and hurt the needy?
De-Brainwashing people is a process. First try not to insult someone for having false beliefs. We all have false beliefs and we have the right to believe false things, even if those false beliefs are killing us. Others need to see you as a friend. So first support the good beliefs they have, even if they have flaws. Get them to explain, justify, and thus question their false beliefs. Inform them of ideas that they can think about that may lead them to see the truth. Show them that knowing the truth is in their real self interest.
How can you Witness for the Truth to Christians? Depending on the situation, I might talk to Christians as follows.
I might have a public Prayer Vigil to help female victims that I invite Christians to attend. I would start the meeting with a prayer to keep pedophiles and rapists from being elected to Congress. I might then give a sermon or talk like the following.
Sermon for Women
How can we be better Christians? We need to always ask ourselves if we are really following Jesus Christ, or following False Doctrines of Men. Jesus told the church leaders of his day, Harlots will go to heaven before you will. Why did he say that? Because they cared more about the Doctrines of Men regarding washing your hands, than the teachings of God regarding Love others as you love yourself and knowing that the suffering of the needy is the suffering of God.
What would Jesus say to some pastors and church leaders of today? How will God judge a pastor or church leader who says that voters should vote for a pedophile who also wants to cut taxes on Billionaires, thus forcing a cut in Medicare for seniors, and cut funding that helps the needy? The Republican budget that cuts taxes on Billionaires will create a deficit that will automatically trigger a cut in Medicare for seniors, and thus kill older Americans who will lose life saving coverage! Turning a blind eye to child molestation, wanting to cut taxes on the Super Rich, forcing cuts to medicare benefits to seniors, and cutting programs to help the needy, are all rejections of the teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus would say the following to those pastors and church leaders: You are the blind leading the blind, you are the Servants of Money and Billionaires rather than Servants of God, as you failed to help the needy you failed to help me, so depart into everlasting punishment, and harlots will go to heaven before you do. Jesus wants us to protect the children, says the rich should pay taxes, and says the rich should provide for the needy. Pastors who reject the teachings of Jesus Christ will be rejected by Jesus Christ on judgement day. Those who are members of churches that turn a blind eye to child molestation are endanger of being led by spiritually blind pastors and fall into the pit. Members of those churches who follow Jesus, rather than their pastor who rejects the teachings of Jesus, should quit that church in protest and join a church that does not turn a blind eye to child molestation. Church members need to ask themselves the question: do I follow Jesus Christ or do I follow a pastor who rejects the teachings of Jesus? If your pastor and church turns a blind eye to child molestation and is a Servant of Money and Billionaires, then quit that church and find a church that follows the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Working to end abortion will not help to get you into heaven, and it may send you to hell! Jesus did not say abortion is wrong. Nothing in the Bible says abortion is wrong. The idea that abortion is wrong is the False Doctrines os Men. Jesus advocated taxing the rich and a very large part of the wealth of the rich being used to provide for the poor.
What would Jesus Christ say to Christian Pastors who reject the teachings of Jesus to raise taxes on Billionaires to provide for the needy and rather promote the False Doctrines of Men to work to end abortion? Jesus Christ would say: You are teaching for doctrines the commandments of men, therefore you worship me in VAIN! ( Matthew 15:9 ) According to the teachings of Jesus Christ, if you work to end abortion, rather than work to raise taxes on Billionaires to provide for the needy, then that may send you to HELL!
On Judgement Day, Jesus Christ may ask you the following: WHY did you NOT DEMAND that taxes be raised on Billionaires to balance the budget and provide jobs, education, health care, and other things that people need? HOW will YOU answer JESUS on Judgement Day? Will you say, I was so busy doing what my pastor, church, and Doctrines of Men told me to do, that I did not have the time to do what you wanted me to do, namely tax Billionaires to help the needy. Will you say to Jesus Christ, I was too busy being a Servant of Money by voting for politicians who cut taxes on Billionaires, rather than serving God by electing candidates who promises to raise taxes on Billionaires to balance the budget and provide for the needy to end the suffering of God.
Are you truly following Jesus Christ regarding love for others and compassion for the needy, or are you rather following The Doctrines of Men, The International Economic Dictators, and The Anti Christ? If you follow Jesus, then listen to Jesus.
What did Jesus Christ say will get you into heaven or hell? Read Matthew 25:31-46 to see what Jesus Christ says will happen on Judgement Day, and how God will decide who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. Jesus Christ said: Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matthew 25:40. What Jesus is saying is this.
Some believe that to go to heaven, all you have to do is go to church and believe the Doctrines of Men or the doctrines of the church that your pastor teaches you. Is that true? What did Jesus say?
Jesus Christ said: But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Matthew 15:9 Thus if you teach the doctrines of men, rather than the doctrines of Jesus, then you are worshiping God in vain and your efforts will not help you to get into heaven.
What did Jesus say to the church leaders of his time who focused on telling people to obey the the doctrines of the church? Jesus Christ said: Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel. Matthew 23:24 So what is the gnat and what is the camel? The gnat is following church doctrine on minor issues like washing with unclean hands or other matters that are based on the opinions of men and church leaders. The camel is the core message of Jesus Christ of looking at people's hearts to see if they have love and compassion for others. Do NOT judge others based on Church Doctrine or the Doctrines of Men, but rather based on the core message of Jesus Christ of having love for others and compassion for the needy.
Some believe that all you have to do to get to heaven is to go to church and profess Jesus as your savior. What did Jesus say:
Jesus Christ said: Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that death the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Matthew 7:21-23. Jesus Christ said: By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. John 13:35. Jesus does not want us to just profess him with our lips, but with our hearts. That means loving others as yourself and having compassion on the needy like you are having compassion on God.
So, how do we show love for others and compassion for the needy? How can we give food, drink, housing, clothes, health care, and comfort to those in need? Also, how does Jesus feel about the rich paying taxes and providing for those who are not rich?
Jesus said the rich should pay taxes, along with everyone else. Render therefore unto Caesar. Matthew 22:21. Jesus said the rich should give their wealth to help the needy. sell all that thou hats, and distribute unto the poor. Luke 18:22.
We can help others as individuals by paying taxes and donating to charities. We can collectively help others by voting to raise taxes on billionaires to finance government spending on education, health care, and jobs.
Those who reject the teachings of Jesus, say we should cut taxes on billionaires and cut government spending to give the needy education, health care, and jobs. Such people are the Servants of Money rather than the Servants of God. Such people are the servants of the Economic Dictators who enslave us, rather than serving the needs of WE THE PEOPLE.
Have some pastors and church leaders become Servants of Money and servants of the International Economic Dictatorship, and thus servants of the Anti Christ?
Do some pastors and church leaders teach for doctrines the commands of men and thus worship God in vain? Matthew 15:9. The Doctrines of Men regarding abortion, is that women should be denied the right to own their own bodies and make life choices about their own bodies. Jesus advocated that women should have the right to chose their own actions. Jesus said that Mary had the right to choose to listen to Jesus, rather than playing the traditional role of women of cooking and cleaning. Read Luke 10:38-42.
I have some advice to ALL Christians. If you want to make sure you are not donating money and following bad spiritual advice from a church that is the Servant of Money and the Servant of the International Economic Dictators, then perhaps leave your church or help start a new one which has the following doctrines.
I have some advice to the Women's Movement, the Labor Movement, and the Progressive Movement. If the International Economic Dictators and the Anti Christ have bought and own some church denominations, like they have bought and own the Republican Party and many Democrats, then we need to recognize that and do something about it. We need to use the words of Jesus to condemn churches and pastors who are Servants of Money and the Economic Dictators. We need to call on Christians to quit their Religion of Money churches and either join a good church or work to form a good church.
To end the Christian Servants of Money war against women, labor, and Christian Progressive Values, we need to move Christians from churches ruled by the International Economic Dictators to churches that support the people and the needy. If such a church does not already exist, then we need to form a new church. What should be the name of the new church that will be pro women, pro labor, and progressive? How about the Joan of Arc Church, to reflect the suffering of women at the hands of Sexist Church Leaders?
I shall end with a prayer.
God, I ask that you speak to the hearts and minds of Christians and have them love You, love others, and love the needy, rather than them following the doctrines of the Servants of Money, the International Economic Dictators, and the Anti Christ. Open their eyes so that they may see that standing up for what is morally right is more important than the approval of the pastor and popularity at the church. Put a burden on their hearts so that they oppose the election of a Pedophile to the United States Senate who wants to cut taxes on billionaires and greatly harm You by cutting funding to provide for the needy. Oh Lord, remove the Candle Stick of the churches that choose to serve Money, Economic Dictators, and the Anti Christ rather than You. Move the hearts of Christians to leave those churches and find churches that do love You, others, and the needy. Help Women, Workers, Progressives, and Christians to unite and work together to form new churches and then vote as a united Bloc to kick out of Congress all who are servants of the International Economic Dictators and the Anti Christ. I ask this in Jesus name, Amen.
Tell Christians: STOP following the Anti Christ!
To overthrow the Economic Dictatorship in America, we must unite the Labor Movement, Women's Movement, Progressive Movement, TRUE Christians, and other movements to end human suffering. Two major groups we need to get are: the working class voters for Trump who lost jobs and income from Job Off Shoring, and Christian Voters who are brainwashed to vote against the teachings of Jesus Christ. By leading efforts to ban, limit, and highly tax low wage factory imports to get our factory jobs back and tax billionaires to finance massive spending for construction and Green Energy jobs, we can win back the Labor Vote. Taking the brainwashed Christian Vote from the Anti Jesus Republican Party will take more effort.
Since Christians profess to be followers of Jesus, using the words of Jesus to prove to them that they are not following Jesus, is the key to ending their brainwashing so they will actually follow Jesus. The key to taking the brainwashed Christian Voting Bloc away from the Economic Dictators is to educate Christians so that they will see the truth and join the Revolution to Overthrow the Economic Dictators. Public prayer meetings and religious discussion is one way to educate Christians. Christians must be informed of the following truths.
One last thing. Every voter in Alabama and every church goer in America, needs to be told the following. Voting to elect a Pedophile to the United States Senate, is a sin that can send you to Hell. It is voting the way the Servants of Money, International Economic Dictators, and Anti Christ want you to vote. Do not vote the way the Anti Christ wants you to vote. Vote against putting a Pedophile in the United States Senate.
To be a TRUE Christian who is a Servant of God, not a Servant of Money, YOU must JOIN the Revolution to overthrow the Servants of Money, International Economic Dictators, and the Anti Christ leader of the Economic Dictators of the United States of America. Only then can we SAVE America from a great deal of Human Suffering under the International Economic Dictators and the Anti Christ.
The Economic Dictators already own most of Congress, who agree to take actions that cause the suffering of the American people. If the leader of the Economic Dictators in America is the Anti Christ, then America is already ruled by the Anti Christ. If we do nothing, then things will get far worse. If we overthrow the Economic Dictators and put WE THE PEOOPLE in power over the government and economic system, then much of our suffering will end. If we care about ourselves, our families, and the freedom of the American people, then we will join the Revolution to Overthrow Economic Dictatorship.
If we can persuade ten million people to join the revolution and each person donated one hundred dollars, then we would have one billion dollars to elect progressives to Congress. With that kind of funding and an army that size to do grass roots campaigning, then we could remove all Puppets of the Economic Dictators from Congress and have a Progress Congress that serves the will of the people.
To save yourself, your family, and America, do the following.
The keys to victory are: recruit, educate, and work hard. With effective speeches and messages, based on Voter Psychology and the truth, we can get the people to rise up to overthrow the Economic Dictatorship. We can end much human suffering in America.
The Voter Psychology method of delivering a speech, message, or argument to win the hearts and minds of others, is to do the following.
When the Labor Movement, the Women's Movement, the Progressive Movement, TRUE Christians, and other movements working to end human suffering unite, educate the masses, and recruit others, then we will have the people and the money we need to elect a Progressive Congress. We will overthrow the Economic Dictators and establish the rule of the people and then end our human suffering. We MUST unite, educate the masses on why we must overthrow the Economic Dictators to end our human suffer, and recruit tens of millions and perhaps over one hundred million Americans to join the revolution to overthrow the Economic Dictators and establish the rule of WE THE PEOPLE.
By using public speeches and rallies covered on TV,
radio talk show interviews, and
advertising this web page with
business cards, flyers, and phone calls,
we can educate the voting public
on the need to overthrow the
Economic Dictators
to end OUR human suffering.
By using the Voter Psychology
message delivery method of
alarm, persuade, educate, motivate,
and recruit, we CAN get
one hundred MILLION voters
to join the revolution
and become members of
Our Revolution
and/or Justice Democrats!
If each member donates on average
one hundred dollars then
we will have ten BILLION dollars
in funding to have a Progressive Congress!
We can accomplish these goals if
our first priority is mass education
and recruitment to join organizations
devoted to electing Progressives
to Congress,
and we effectively use Voter Psychology.
We CAN overthrow the
International Economic Dictators and their
Anti Christ leader,
elect a Progressive Congress,
establish a Direct Democracy
political system, establish an
Economic Democracy economic
system, replace the
World Trade Organization
with a World Democracy Organization,
and END OUR Human Suffering!