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  2014 Election Victory
END Gun-Terrorism, Female Slavery, and Unemployment
The NEW Christian Reformation Movement
The Joan of Arc Church

END Gun-Terrorism, Female Slavery, and Unemployment
by Dale Lee Harris
Copyright © 2013 by Dale Lee Harris

Anti-American Soft-on-Terrorism Gun-Corporate Politicians, anti-Woman Doctrines-of-Men Theology, and Anti-American Corporate Politicians are all allies in the promotion of Gun Terrorism in America,  Slavery of Women in America, and a High Unemployment Rate. Therefore, the Anti-Gun-Terrorism Movement, the Women's Movement, and the Labor Movement should work together to defeat our common enemies.

Realize that if brainwashed voters care more about Banning Abortion than they do about Universal Background Checks and Banning Guns of Mass Destruction, then Corporate Politicians will be re-elected to the House and Senate in 2014, and we may never be able to stop Gun-Terrorism in America! Also, millions of Americans will remain unemployed.

To  stop Gun-Terrorism, end the Slavery of Women not owning their own bodies and wombs, and end unemployment, we must change the Christian Voting Block in America! To reach our common goals we must: win the religious vote by using religious arguments!

Religious Beliefs => Social Values => Voter Loyalty => Voter Action

Therefore, the only way we can achieve our common goals is to use strong logical and biblical arguments to either change or use the value-beliefs of voters to get them to change their loyalties and voting actions.

Example: Get Christians to vote to end Gun-Terrorism
By proving to voters that Gun-Corporate Politicians are working for Anti-Christian Values, Christian voters will vote to end Gun-Terrorism.

Radio Ad:
Would Jesus care more about the profits of Gun Corporations than about the lives of American victims of Gun-Terrorism? Vote the way Jesus would vote. Vote to defeat Anti-Christian Values Gun-Corporate Politicians.

Gun-Corporate Politicians are Anti-American because they are helping Gun Corporations make profits from selling Guns of Mass Destruction to Terrorists. Putting Corporate Profits above the lives of the American people is Anti-American. Gun-Corporate Politicians are Soft-on-Terrorism because lack of Universal Background Checks allows terrorists to achieve their goal of killing Americans. A Universal Background Check could have prevented the terrorist attack in Boston. Besides preventing the sales of Guns, Ammo, and Explosives to known terrorism sympathizers, it can also raise a red flag on boarder line suspects and trigger further investigations into their intentions to prevent a terrorist attack.  Maybe we should ban the sales of weapons and explosives to all non citizens.

Example: Get Christians to vote to end Slavery of Women
By proving to voters that Doctrines-of-Men Theology is a rejection of the TRUTH and the teachings of Jesus Christ, Christian voters will vote to end the Slavery of Women.

Radio Ad:
Your  soul is the spiritual part of you that thinks and makes decisions. A fertilized egg cannot think and make decisions, therefore it has no soul and is not a person. Women must not be slaves who do not own their own bodies and wombs. Slavery is Anti-Christian. Christians must reject the FALSE Doctrines of Men and vote to end the Slavery of Women.

For more logical and Holy Bible arguments on why the FALSE Doctrines of Men Theology is a rejection of the TRUTH and the teachings of Jesus Christ, see the following online word document.

Read the flyer on the third page:

PROOF: Zygotes are NOT People

Example: Get Christians to vote to Raise Taxes to Create Jobs
By proving to voters that Corporate Politicians are Anti-American and Anti-Christian, Christian Voters will vote to kick Corporate Politicians out of office and replace them with those who will serve the people by creating more jobs

Radio Ad:
When Corporate Politicians use Free Trade to off shore American jobs to Communist China, it is Anti-American. Jesus Christ taught that the rich should pay taxes and provide for the poor. Taxing the Super Rich to finance Job Creating Government Domestic Spending would end most unemployment in America. Vote to defeat Anti-American Religion-of-Money Corporate Politicians.

Jesus Christ taught that you cannot serve both God and Money. By rejecting the commands of Jesus Christ, that the rich should pay taxes and provide for the poor, Corporate Politicians prove that they are not TRUE Christians but are actually followers of the Religion of Money. To follow the teachings of Jesus Christ is to demand raising taxes on the Super Rich to create jobs for the poor in order to provide for the needs of the poor, and only vote for politicians who promise to raise taxes on the Super Rich in order to provide jobs.
Realize that Corporate Politicians are off shoring jobs, laying off public workers, and opposing Job Creating Government Domestic Spending in order to keep the unemployment rate high, in order to keep wages low, in order to increase profits for their Corporate Masters! That is Anti-American!

Some political pundits claim that Corporate Republicans are opposing everything Progressive in order to defeat Obama in the eyes of voters. I believe the real goal is rather to defeat the American people by denying Americans their lives, their freedom, and their jobs! Corporate Politicians are denying the American people their God given rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness!  When we tell American voters that Corporate Republicans are AT WAR with American voters, and that they must fight back for their lives, their freedom, and their jobs, then there will be a landslide victory for Progressives in 2014 and we will achieve our common goals! A key part of that victory will be winning the Christian Voting Block!

NOTE: We must start a NEW Christian Reformation Movement to win!!!

The NEW Christian Reformation Movement would seek to reform existing churches to turn them from the FALSE Doctrines of Men to the TRUTH and the commands of Jesus Christ. If we cannot reform existing churches, then we must start a new church. Call it the Joan of Arc Church. It will have a female Pope and female priests. We can recruit women and men to leave churches that advocate the slavery of women and join the Joan of Arc Church. It will advocate taxing the Super Rich to provide jobs for the poor, which is consistent with the teachings of Jesus Christ. It will also condemn EVIL Gun-Corporate Politicians who put Gun-Corporate profits above the lives of the American people. And it will of course recognize the TRUTH that Zygotes are NOT people.

Realize that the Radical Super Rich in America have corrupted the traditional churches in America by bribing pastors with money and even their own TV programs and stations, in exchange for teaching the Religion of Money theology, rather than the doctrines of Jesus Christ. TV pastor Servants of Money preach what money interests have paid them to preach, rather than the teachings of Jesus Christ, that the Super Rich should pay taxes and provide for the poor! We must work to return churches back to the TRUTH and the commands of Jesus Christ, or start our own church that serves Jesus Christ, rather than the Anti-Christ Radical Super Rich! Jesus Christ would say that Harlots will go to heaven before pastors who are Servants of Money rather than Servants of God! When Corporate Politicians are Servants of Money rather than Servants of THE PEOPLE, then Democracy has been destroyed. When pastors are Servants of Money rather than Servants of God, then the moral fiber of the nation has been destroyed. To SAVE America we must turn religion back to God and kick every Corporate Politician out of office! That requires a NEW Christian Reformation Movement that will preach that we must END Gun-Terrorism, Female Slavery, and Unemployment!

How can Unions, Women, and Patriots work together?

We can save America from unemployment, slavery, and terrorism. We can end almost all unemployment in America within two years, end the slavery of women not owning their own bodies, and end gun-terrorism in America. But, to do so, Unions, the Women's Movement, and the Patriotic Anti-Gun-Terrorism Movement must work together for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

I suggest that we promote each other's issues, help distribute each other's flyers, and work together on what we have in common. If unions, women, and patriots are working together distributing each other's flyers, then each group would have three times as many flyers distributed, and the ideas of each group would reach groups of people that might not otherwise be reached.

In truth, each of our successes depends on all of us succeeding. Only by defeating the Pro Terrorism Vote, the Anti Woman Vote, and the Anti Jobs Vote of Voters for Corporate Politicians, can we assure a Progressive Majority in the United States House. Some voters may want to Continue Gun-Terrorism in America! Some voters may want to Continue Slavery of Women in America! Some voters may want to Continue High Unemployment in America! Even if a voter is on the right side of two of three issues, he may care more about the issue that he is on the wrong side of, and therefore vote to to defeat all three issues. IF a voter wants to END Gun Terrorism and Tax the Super Rich to END Unemployment, but he also wants to Continue the SLAVERY of women, due to a belief that Zygotes are People, then he may vote for Corporate Politicians who will continue Gun Terrorism, Female Slavery, and High Unemployment. Therefore, to effectively succeed at any one of our issues, we must convince voters to support all three of our issues! In the least, we must convince voters to care less about issues that they are on the wrong side of and care more about issues that they are on the right side of. That means arguing effectively for all three issues, to reduce support for the wrong side and increase support for the right side.

How can we distribute flyers together that effectively promotes each of the three issues? Consider the three flyers on this web page, flyer_for_jobs.doc, which are named:

  1. LOVE America - Help END Unemployment
  2. PROOF: Zygotes are NOT People
  3. END Gun Terrorism NOW !

Flyer (1) PROVES that raising taxes on the Super Rich to finance massive Government Domestic Spending would end almost all unemployment in America. Flyer (2) PROVES that Zygotes are not people, and that we must end the slavery of women of not owning their own bodies. Flyer (3) PROVES that we must kick Gun-Corporate Politicians out of office and END the Senate Filibuster Rules in order to SAVE America and OUR Children from Terrorism.

One idea would be to distribute these three flyers together. Since they are each regular size pages of typing paper, it is cheap and easy to make 100 copies of all three, with coalition of the three. With a hole punch, or perhaps a drill, one can put a hole in the upper left hand and/or upper right hand corner of each page. A string can then be tied around groups of three flyers, with the other end of the string forming a large loop that can fit over a door knob. That would facilitate leaving flyers at homes visited when the person is not present at the time of the visit. Or, the three can be given to the person who answers the door.

If someone answers the door, then say that you want to End Gun Terrorism, End Slavery of Women, and End Unemployment in America. Ask them if they want more information or would be interested in attending a Town Hall Meeting or perhaps helping out. If they are interested, then get their name, phone number, email, and any other contact information for further contact. The contact information page helps to record the results of canvassing homes for possible interest. You can form a small chapter of the Save America from Terrorism, Slavery, and Unemployment Combined Movement. Your small chapter can work with all three national movements: Anti Gun Terrorism, Freedom for Women, and Tax the Super Rich to END Unemployment.

If people have better flyers for effectively arguing to Quickly End Unemployment, End Slavery of Women, and End Gun Terrorism, then the better flyers can be distributed instead. However, I believe each of the three flyers are very effective in the use of logical argument, voter psychology, and education of voters.

Senator Harry Reid is the ENEMY of President Obama.

For President Obama to go down in history as a Great President who greatly contributed to the well being of the United States of America, then he must accomplish the following three national goals.

  1. END Gun Terrorism in America.
  2. END Slavery of Women in America.
  3. END most unemployment in America.

He can not accomplish any one of those goals unless there is an end to the Senate Filibuster Rules and Progressive Democrats win a majority in the House of Representatives. Otherwise, President Obama may go down in history as a FAILED President, Weak President, or Mediocre President.

By LYING to the American People, by promising to end the Senate Filibuster before the election, but then not doing so after the election, Senator Harry Reid has sabotaged President Obama's chances of having a legacy!

Therefore, those on the side of ENDING Terrorism, Slavery, and Unemployment, as well as those who want a successful second term for President Obama, should work together to end the political barriers to our common success. That means demanding the immediate resignation of Harry Reid as the Democratic Leader in the United States Senate. His replacement must be a Real Progressive who will Reform the Senate Filibuster Rule. Some ideas for a new Leader of the Democrats in the United States Senate are the following Senators: Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Patric Leahy, and Benard Sanders. I believe any one of those leaders would effectively reform the Senate Filibuster Rule and work to END Gun Terrorism, END Female Slavery, and END most Unemployment.

The Reform of the Senate Filibuster Rule must require people to go on record on supporting or opposing a filibuster and must record a video explaining their reasons. The web site must include a list of all Senate Bills filibustered, the votes of each Senator, and the video of each Senator explaining the reason for his or her vote. That way voters know who is against the will of the people on issues.

The Reform of the Senate Filibuster Rule must also disallow a filibuster for appointment of judges. It should be unconstitutional for a minority in the Senate to block the Constitutional Power of the President from appointing members to lower courts and the Supreme Court. The Senate has the power and right to debate appointments and vote to approve or disapprove appointments. But, a Senate Rule that allows a minority to deny the President his or her Constitutional Power to appoint judges and deny the United States Senate its Constitutional Power to vote to approve judges, must be considered unconstitutional.

Replacing Senator Harry Reid as Leader of the Senate Democrats and winning a majority in the House in 2014, is the only way President Obama can have a Legacy and a spot in history as a Great President. It is also the ONLY WAY we can achieve our goals of ENDING Gun Terrorism, Female Slavery, and most Unemployment! Senator Harry Reid must resign!

ADVICE: VICTORY through Communication and Psychology

We can:
- WIN control of congress in 2014
- END Gun Terrorism in America
- END Slavery of Women
- END Unemployment in America

To accomplish these goals we must:
- Use Effective Media Communication
to dominate the National Media Conversation
- Use Advanced Voter Psychology
to win the hearts and minds of voters.

Realize that the national political debate is Verbal Mortal Political Combat.
In Martial Arts one uses:
- strength, speed, dexterity, and technique to deliver blows.
- accurate delivery at target points to maximize effectiveness.
In Verbal Mortal Political Combat one uses:
- strong emotions and shocking words to grab media attention
- strong emotional triggers to maximize effectiveness of the verbal blows.

When the Corporate Republican Party used the shock word Scandal, they grabbed media attention for themselves, and stopped the media and the public from talking about the issues that the American people care the most about, namely ENDING Gun Terrorism, Slavery of Women, and Unemployment. It does not matter that they use fake outrage, bogus issues, and obvious lies; their use of shocking words grabs attention and wastes our time responding to them, rather than focusing on the real issues.

WE THE PEOPLE demand that the National Conversation focus on what WE THE PEOPLE care most about, namely ENDING Terrorism, Slavery, and Unemployment.  Since the Corporate Media is more inclined to talk about what the Anti-American International Corporations want to talk about, we must use attention grabbing methods to refocus the national conversation on what WE THE PEOPLE want to talk about. Therefore, we must use shocking words! I suggest the words: Scandal, Anti-American, Terrorism, and Treason.

Who should deliver the message? Of course the President, Vice President, and members of the Senate and House should have press conferences to deliver the message. But, leaders of the Anti-Gun-Terrorism Movement, Women's Movement, and Labor Movement should also have press conferences, appear on TV, and speak on talk radio with the message. We can also do an end-around the Corporate Media by having Grass Roots Conversations by canvassing neighborhoods to hand out educational flyers and invite voters to attend free educational videos with a Town Hall discussion on issues after the video.

What should the message be? I suggest something like the following.

There are several MAJOR SCANDALS that the Corporate Republican Party is involved in.

The first MAJOR SCANDAL is that the Corporate Republican Party is on the side of RADICAL ISLAM TERRORISTS having Weapons of Mass Destruction. By filibustering the Senate Universal Background Checks Bill, Gun-Corporate Republicans are allowing Radical ISLAM Terrorists and other Terrorists to purchase Guns of Mass Destruction without any national security checks or any federal record to track the military arming of terrorists. That is ANTI-AMERICAN! Aiding and abetting the terrorist enemies of the United States of America by allowing them to purchase Guns of Mass Destruction that they intend to use to kill Americans, can be considered TREASON!

In the book, None Dare Call it Treason was the following introductory statement.

Treason doth never prosper. The reason?
If treason prospers, then none dare call it treason.

Patriotic Americans who LOVE the United States of America should dare to call ARMING TERRORISTS an act of TREASON! We must call it TREASON in order to STOP it and SAVE the LIVES of the American people!

The second MAJOR SCANDAL is that False Doctrines of Men Republicans are working to promote the SLAVERY of women. It is obvious that a Zygote cannot think and make decisions, and is therefore not a person. But, False Doctrines of Men Republicans want to deny women their Freedom of Religion to live by their own religious and moral beliefs, and they want to make women slaves who do not own their own bodies and their own wombs.

The third MAJOR SCANDAL is that Religion of Money Republicans are working to maintain a High Unemployment Rate in America in order to keep wages low for their Anti-American International Corporate Masters. They are continuing to use Free Trade to off shore American Factory Jobs to Communist China. They oppose raising taxes on the Super Rich to finance massive Job Creating Government Domestic Spending, which would end unemployment in America and create a budget surplus. They sacrifice the well being of the poor and middle class to the Golden Bull Idol of the Religion of Money.  

The fourth MAJOR SCANDAL is that they claim that they are attacking President Obama, when they oppose measures to provide jobs and health care to the American people. Opposing jobs and health care for Americans is NOT a war against President Obama, because it does not hurt Obama. It is rather an ACT OF WAR against THE PEOPLE of the United States of America, because lack of jobs and health care hurts America! The truth is that they are Anti-Americans who hate the United States of America.

Will the Corporate Media dare to talk about the MAJOR SCANDALS of Republicans Arming Terrorists, Enslaving Women, Impoverishing Americans, and Hating America? The REAL SCANDAL in Washington is that the Political Democracy of THE PEOPLE and the People's Press is being replaced by a Global Economic Dictatorship and its Corporate Media. Perhaps only the People's Press will focus on the REAL SCANDALS that are hurting the American people and destroying our democracy.

ADVICE: How to DE-BRAINWASH Republican Voters

I can explain how to de-brainwash Republican Voters, so they are free to think for themselves, use logic and reason, and vote in their own self interest.

The Corporate Media brainwashes voters by using the Primal Instincts of survival and self worth.
To de-brainwash Republican voters, teach them the following.
1) The Republicam Party KILLS Republican Voters.
2) Republicans and Republican Values are EVIL.
3) To SURVIVE and BE GOOD, Vote Democratic.

It is easy to prove those things, since they are true.

Corporate Republicans and Gun Corporate Politicians ARE KILLING Americans, which includes Republican Voters, in many ways.

By filibustering the Senate Universal Background Checks Bill, Gun-Corporate Republicans are allowing Radical ISLAM Terrorists and other Terrorists to purchase Guns of Mass Destruction without any national security checks or any federal record to track the military arming of terrorists. That helps Terrorists to KILL Americans, which includes Republican Voters.

By cutting the budget for police officers in America, in order to cut taxes on the Super Rich, Corporate Republicans are allowing more crime and terrorism in America, which KILLS Americans, including Republican Voters.

By cutting social programs to provide food and medicine to the poor, they are KILLING Americans, including Republican Voters.

By opposing taxing the Super Rich to finance massive Job Creating Government Domestic Spending, it keeps millions of Americans jobless, poor, homeless, and without proper health care. That KILLS Americans, including Republican Voters.

Corporate Republicans ARE EVIL in many ways.

Helping Terrorists to buy Guns of Mass Destruction and KILL OUR CHILDREN is EVIL! Caring more about the profits of Gun Corporations from selling Guns of Mass Destruction to Terrorists, than about the LIVES of Americans, is EVIL and Anti-American. Gun Corporate Republicans are EVIL.

Jesus Christ taught the Progressive Values that the rich should pay taxes and provide for the poor. Read Matthew 22:21, Luke 18:22, and Matthew 25:31-46. When Religion of Money Republicans oppose taxing the Super Rich to provide jobs for the poor, it proves that they are the EVIL Servants of Money.

The Soul is the spiritual part of you that thinks and makes decisions. It is obvious that a one cell Zygote does not think and make decisions, and therefore has no soul and is not a person. An adult cow is closer to being a person than is a one cell life form, but few people demand a ban on the killing of cows and the eating of dead cow meat. Denying women the freedom to own their own bodies is ENSLAVING WOMEN. That is a deadly sin that can send you to Hell. Denying women ownership of their own bodies is EVIL.

It is clear that if Voters want to SURVIVE and BE GOOD, then they must Vote Democratic.

To survive and protect the lives of our children, we must ban the selling of Guns of Mass Destruction, raise taxes for more police, provide food and health care to the poor, and finance Government Domestic Spending to end unemployment, poverty, homelessness, and death by poverty. To be good people, we must protect our children from terrorism, provide jobs to the poor, and end the slavery of women.

Consider running the following Radio Ad.

Radio Ad:
Voters for Jobs dot com.
When Gun Corporate Senators filibuster Universal Background Checks, they are ARMING Terrorists with Guns of Mass Destruction that kill our children. ARMING the Terrorist Enemies of the United States of America, is TREASON. WE THE PEOPLE demand and petition for the immediate resignation of the Anti American Gun Corporate Senators who filibustered the Universal Background Checks Senate Bill. They must resign or be kicked out of office.
Voters for Jobs dot com.

The book None Dare Call it Treason had the following introductory statement.

Treason doth never prosper. The reason?
If treason prospers, then none dare call it treason

The TRUTH is that ARMING the terrorist enemies of the United States of America with Guns of Mass Destruction for KILLING OUR CHIDLREN, IS an ACT of TREASON! To SAVE THE LIVES of OUR CHILDREN, we must strongly and loudly condemn it as EVIL Anti-American TREASON, to force them to either change their vote, resign, or be kicked out of office. For the LIVES of OUR CHILDREN, we must have the courage to DARE to call TEASON, TREASON!

A petition for the resignation of Gun Corporate Senators might be worded as follows.

Gun Corporate Senators must resign from the United States Senate.

By filibustering Universal Background Checks, Gun Corporate Senators are allowing the terrorist enemies of America to be armed with Guns of Mass Destruction. For that Anti American act of Treason, those Senators must either change their vote or immediately resign from office.

Gun Corporate Senators care more about the profits of Gun Corporations from selling Guns of Mass Destruction to terrorists, than about the LIVES of OUR CHILDREN who have been killed by terrorists in America. That is Anti-American. When Gun Corporate Senators allow Radical ISLAM Terrorists and other terrorists to be armed with Guns, Ammo, and Explosives of Mass Destruction, it is an act of aiding and abetting the enemy. The Senate Filibuster of Universal Background Checks is both Anti American and an Act of Treason. All Senators participating in the filibuster of Universal Background Checks must either immediately change their vote and apologize to the American people, or immediately resign from the office of United States Senator.

To de-brainwash Republican voters, teach them the following.
1) Gun Corporate Republicans KILL Americans by ARMING Terrorists.
2) Corporate Republicans are EVIL Anti American TRAITORS.
3) LOVE and SAVE America by voting Democrat.

IF we can get millions of people to sign the petition to demand the resignation of the EVIL Anti American TRAITOR Senators who are helping Gun Corporations to make profits by arming the Terrorist enemies of the United States of America, and we can popularize the labeling of Corporate Republicans as EVIL Anti American Traitors, then Progressive Democrats will have a landslide victory in 2010. When Progressive Democrats strongly control the Senate and House in 2010, then President Obama will go down in history as a Great President for accomplishing the following three things.

1) END Gun Terrorism in America.
2) END the Slavery of Women.
3) END almost all Unemployment in America.

Together, the Anti Gun Terrorism Movement, the Women's Movement, and the Labor Movement can kick EVIL Anti American Traitors out of office and once again make the Government of the United States of America the Servants of WE THE PEOPLE. We can end Gun Terrorism, Slavery of Women, and Unemployment. We can give Americans their God given rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. All we have to do is unite, work together, and use Advanced Voter Psychology to de-brainwash voters.

WHEN voters understand that to SURVIVE and BE GOOD they must Vote Democratic, THEN their SURIVAL INSTINCT and SELF WORTH DRIVE will cause them to Vote Democratic. By de-brainwashing voters and teaching them the truth, over 70 percent of voters could be Democratic Voters! I can guarantee that! We can kick EVIL Anti American TRAITORS out of office and replace them with GOOD Pro American PATRIOTS who will work to END Gun Terrorism, Female Slavery, and Unemployment. With Unity, Hard Work, and Advanced Voter Psychology, our Dreams of a better America will come true.