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LOVE God, Country, and Family How to Quickly END Unemployment and Poverty Through a House Progressive Moral Majority Open Letter to THE NATION |
LOVE God, Country, and Family
Open Letter to Voters
by Dale Lee Harris
Do you LOVE God, Country, and Family so much that you have the humility to question your beliefs and seek to know the TRUTH on how to best help God, Country, and Family?
Do you HONESTLY LOVE God? How can you prove it to God on Judgement Day? According to the teachings of Jesus Christ and others, we must love God, love others, and prove our love for God through our demonstrated love for others. In Matthew 25:31-46 Jesus Christ said that on Judgement Day God will judge our love for Him based on our demonstrated love for others. Recall the words, as you did it unto the least, you did it unto me. We prove our love for God by working to end the human suffering of unemployment, poverty, hunger, disease, and homelessness. Our personal and collect work to help end the suffering of others, will determine whether we go to Heaven or Hell. God demands that we collectively work together politically to push for social and political changes in order to quickly end the human suffering of unemployment, poverty, hunger, disease, and homelessness. Our future after Judgement Day may depend on us doing that work.
Do you HONESTLY LOVE your Country? How can you prove that your LOVE is driving you to act to help your nation? LOVING your nation means wanting it to be economically strong, by ending unemployment and investing to build greater economic power in the nation. Building infrastructure and renewable energy sources makes a nation economically powerful. Ending unemployment and poverty so that the vast majority of citizens are working to produce greater wealth in the nation, makes the nation economically stronger. LOVING your country means politically demanding a quick end to unemployment and poverty, as well as massive investment in infrastructure and renewable energy.
Do you HONESTLY LOVE your Family? How can you prove that you are working to save your family from unemployment and loss of retirement income? LOVING your family means politically demanding a quick end to unemployment and poverty, as well as protecting Social Security and Medicare.
It is easy to prove that the fastest way to end unemployment is to raise taxes on the Super Rich to finance massive Job Creating Government Domestic Spending. But how can we get that? By having a Progressive Moral Majority in the United States House, and an END to the threat of filibuster in the United Sates Senate. But how can we get that? The vast majority of voters in America must do the following.
But how can we get the vast majority of voters to do that? By using Motivational Psychology, Logical Proof of Economic TRUTHS, Educating Voters, and a Spiritually Inspiring Call to Action to convince the vast majority of voters that they should do that. These are the keys to a massive Grass Roots Conversion of Voters to VOTE for JOBS in America!
To win over the Christian Voting Block they must be asked to follow God, rather than follow men. Christians must decide whether they believe they are saved by following Jesus Christ or are rather saved by following human church leaders, who claim to follow Jesus while raping children. They must decide whether they believe the words of Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible, or human church officials who reject the teaching of Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible says that Paul rejected Peter for teaching false doctrine. Galatians 2:11-21. If Peter was not infallible, then no Pope, pastor, priest, or church official is infallible. Church leaders do not have higher moral authority than the Holy Bible and the words of Jesus Christ! Believing that would be blaspheme. Following church leaders over the Holy Bible and Jesus Christ is blaspheme. If church leaders claim higher authority than the Holy Bible and Jesus Christ, then they are blasphemers, and Jesus Christ will remove their names from the Book of Life. Read in The Book of Revelation in Revelations 1 through 3 on how Jesus Christ has the power to remove the candlestick of churches, which follow the doctrines of men and are servants of money, rather than servants of God. ... repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. Revelations 2:6. Because thou sayest, I am rich ... be zealous therefore, and repent. Revelations 3:17-19. If any Pope seeks to have the people worship him in place of Jesus Christ, then Jesus Christ will remove his name from the Book of Life. If the Church serves money rather than God by teaching members to vote for politicians who promise to cut taxes on the Super Rich and pay for it by cutting social programs to help the poor, then the Church has become the Church of the Religion of Money and has rejected the teachings of Jesus Christ, and therefore will be rejected by Jesus Christ.
TRUE Christians vote based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, not based on the doctrines of men, who happen to be church leaders. Jesus Christ taught compassion for the poor. TRUE Christians only vote for candidates who promise to raise taxes on the Super Rich to finance massive Job Creating Government Domestic Spending to end the human suffering of unemployment, poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, and death.
What is the TRUTH about abortion? The human soul is the spiritual part of your being that has the power of conscience thought and making decisions. Independent decision making occurs after birth. The soul does not enter the body until birth. For example, a one cell Zygote can not think and make decisions, therefore there is no soul. Logic and reason says the soul does not enter the body until birth. Only the false doctrines of men disagrees with that. The church was WRONG when it said the Sun revolved around the Earth because their infallible interpretation of the Holy Bible said the Sun revolved around the Earth. And the church is WRONG when it says a human soul enters a one cell Zygote at the moment of conception. Forced Pregnancy is RAPE. TRUE Christians vote based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, NOT based on the false doctrines of men.
How can we use motivation, logical proof, education, and inspiration to action for massive Grass Roots Conversion of Voters to get voters to demand a quick end to unemployment and elect politicians who work for an effective plan to quickly end unemployment? The keys are to pick a good strategy for reaching voters with information and use material that effectively presents that information. The material itself needs to be designed with motivation, proof, education, and inspiration as a part of its idea marketing. The delivery method needs to be a cost effective delivery of convincing arguments. I propose the following strategy.
The Keys to Political Victory are the following.
I believe that this web page, the flyer on this web page, and the FREE downloadable Voters Training Class has some of the most effective material for a positive change in America. IF Democratic Committeeman, union members, and others, get the flyer in the hands of voters in their district and offer the class to those voters, then I believe unemployment in America will quickly end.
If you can not be the one person to lead the effort to positively change one Voting District, then at least do something small to help. If you LOVE God, LOVE America, and LOVE your family, then at least tell others about this web page with its flyer and FREE downloadable Voters Training Class. At least do the following.
Thank you for LOVING God, LOVING your country, LOVING your family, and therefore demanding that Congress act quickly to end most unemployment in America. Thank you for pledging to only vote for candidates for the House and Senate who promise to raise taxes on the Super Rich to finance massive Job Creating Government Domestic Spending. Thank you for talking to family members, friends, and others to ask them to also call Congress and make a pledge to only vote for candidates who will work to quickly end unemployment in America.
We are the voters who LOVE God, LOVE our country, and LOVE our families, and prove it by demanding an end to the human suffering of unemployment, to serve God, help our nation, and economically protect our family. We are the Progressive Moral Majority.
Contact the House, Senate, and White House
Thank You.
Open Letter to Congress:
Topic: USA Budget
Subject: End Unemployment NOW
I want congress
to Raise Taxes on the Super Rich
to finance massive
Job Creating Government Domestic Spending
to quickly END unemployment
and therefore also
create a long term budget Surplus
through more people working and paying taxes.
I want congress
to set a National Goal
of reaching a Five Percent Unemployment Rate
before the next election!
Open Letter to Congress:
Topic: Guns
Subject: TERRORISM Kills OUR Children
WHY will Congress NOT protect the LIVES of the Children of America by keeping GUNS OF MASS DESTRUCTION out of the hands of TERRORISTS? When Guns of Mass Destruction KILL the children of America, it is TERRORIZING the families of America!
WHY are Corporate Republicans OPPOSING efforts to PROTECT American Children from TERRORISM? !!! WHY are REPUBLICAN Politicians AT WAR with the Children of REPUBLICAN Voters? WHY are Corporate Republicans STABBING their OWN VOTERS in the BACK by allowing TERRERORISTS to KILL THEIR CHILDREN with GUNS OF MASS DESTRUCTION?
IF Corporate Republicans do NOT serve THEIR OWN VOTERS, THEN WHO DO they serve? The Children and Parents of America DESERVE an answer!
Budget Question for Republican Voters
Raising taxes on the Super Rich to finance massive Job Creating Government Domestic Spending will both end unemployment and create a budget surplus.
The question is: Why do Republican Politicians stab Republican Voters in the back by opposing efforts to end unemployment?
The answer is: Corporate Republicans are ANTI-America and do NOT want to end unemployment because a higher unemployment rate means workers are forced to work longer hours for less pay. That means less money and less time with your family for YOU. They sacrifice the jobs and lives of the 99 percent to give more wealth to the one percent.
Corporate Republicans are Anti-God. They reject the moral teachings of Jesus Christ of having compassion for the poor and taxing the Super Rich to provide jobs, and therefore life sustaining food, to the poor. They sacrifice the jobs and lives of American workers to the Golden Bull of Wall Street. They have rejected the spiritual teachings of God and follow the Religion of Money. They subvert and destroy true religion by rejecting the commands of God and replacing them with the Doctrines of Men who are Servants of Money, not Servants of God. They follow the Doctrines of Men of the Religion of Money and fight a WAR against God and His teachings regarding compassion for the poor.
Corporate Republicans are ANTI-American. They used Free Trade to off shore over Five Million USA factory jobs to Totalitarian Communist China, thus destroying another Twenty Million USA jobs from the loss of Cash Flow from buying Made in USA products. They used lack of regulations to allow International Bankers to create an Economic Meltdown that costs trillions of dollars and millions of jobs. They used Vulture Capitalism to steal jobs, pension funds, fair wages, and economic security from American workers. They have gravely harmed the economy of the United States of America, in order to enrich the One Percent. That is Economic Treason!
Corporate Republicans are ANTI-Family. By off shoring and destroying millions of American jobs, they threaten the well being of American families. By opposing social programs like food stamps and food for children and babies, they threaten the lives and well being of American children. By threatening the cut Social Security and Medicare, they threaten the lives of the grandparents of America.
Corporate Republicans are YOUR ENEMY! They gravely harm YOU, YOUR family, YOUR country, and YOUR God. They hurt YOU and those that YOU LOVE. To protect YOURSELF, YOUR family, YOUR country, and YOUR God, you need to join the Progressive Moral Majority and fight to kick every Anti-American Corporate Republican out of office in the next election.
You are NOT a Republican. YOU are a Moral American Worker. If you LOVE God, LOVE America, and LOVE your family, then YOU are a Progressive. Join the Progressive Moral Majority. Vote to help YOURSELF, YOUR family, YOUR country, and YOUR God. Vote Progressive.
Open Letter to Progressive Democrats
How to Pass: Universal Background Checks
I can prove to you that:
We can easily pass the Gun Bill that failed
in the United States Senate
by changing the LABEL and the MESSAGE.
Word Labels invoke Psychological Triggers
that cause human Actions, including Voting!
Using Advanced Voter Psychology,
including the Psychological Triggers
of Political Labels, can win election.
IF politicians know that they will lose their job
due to being Negatively Labeled
for opposing a Positively Labeled Popular Bill,
THEN many will change their vote on the Bill.
The Voter Psychology Keys to winning more elections and passing more Bills includes:
Examples of Bill Labeling:
Examples of Negatively Labeling opponents to Change Votes:
We can pass an even stronger Bill with more effective Labeling and Messaging!
I suggest that President Obama, Vice President Biden, or someone else propose the following Terrorism Prevention Bill and make the following speech. It would guarantee the passage of Universal Background Checks either now or after opponents are kicked out of office in 2014.
Terrorism Prevention Bill:
Realize that the Boston terrorist attack could have been prevented by such a Bill. Universal Background Checks would do three things: (1) allow the purchase to most citizens, (2) deny the purchase to some, and (3) allow the purchase and raise a red flag for some on a watch list. IF those having association with Radical ISLAM purchase Weapons of Mass Destruction, and there is not enough evidence to prevent the purchase, then at least it should raise a red flag so agents would investigate further, watch those suspects, and prevent an act of terrorism!
For Americans to be safer, only citizens of the United States should be allowed to purchase guns, ammo, and explosives in the United States. Non-citizens should not be allowed to purchase any explosives, including fire works. There should also be a ban on the purchase of assault weapons and high capacity clips.
Pay for National Security Bill:
Radio Ad for the Bill:
End Terrorism in America!
Demand Universal Background Checks on Guns, Ammo, and Explosives.
Save American LIVES, NOT Gun Corporate Profits
from selling Weapons of Mass Destruction to terrorists!
Profits above American Lives is Treason!
Defeat Soft on Terrorism Corporate Politicians.
The victims of Boston, Sandy Hook, and others demand the passage of a Terrorism Prevention Bill or the recruitment of an Army of Political Activists who will guarantee the defeat of the Anti American Soft on Terrorism Corporate Politicians who oppose a Bill to Save America from Terrorism. The TRUTH is Corporate Politicians are Anti American and we must tell that truth in order to change votes and save America from Terrorism! Playing Softball failed to pass the Bill and will always fail to pass the Bill! IF you LOVE America and want to SAVE America from Terrorism, THEN play Hardball and the Bill will pass!
The reason that Corporate Politicians are Anti American is because they are helping Gun Corporations to make profits from selling weapons of mass destruction to terrorists! They are putting the profits of corporations above the lives of American citizens. That is Anti American. Not having Universal Background Checks on Guns, Ammo, and Explosives puts Weapons of Mass Destruction in the hands of terrorists.
The reason that Corporate Politicians are Soft on Terrorism is because they are unwilling to pass strong measures, of not only Universal Background Checks but also banning Guns and Ammo Clips of Mass Destruction. Not taking strong measures to keep Weapons of Mass Destruction out of the hands of terrorists is being Soft on Terrorism.
WHEN Radio Ads and citizens at Town Hall Meetings call Corporate Politicians "Soft on Terrorism" for turning their backs on protecting the lives of the children of America, that label will stick and will prevent them from being re-elected. Perhaps only then will we have Populist Politicians in office who will Serve THE PEOPLE by protecting American lives, rather than having Corporate Politicians who care more about Corporate Profits than about American lives!
Speech for the Bill:
According to the United States Constitution, a major purpose of the United States Government is to: provide for the common defense. This means protecting the lives of American citizens from both foreign and domestic attacks. The acts of Terrorism in Boston and Sandy Hook demands an immediate response to defend American citizens from future acts of terrorism. It is our sacred Constitutional duty to keep Weapons of Mass Destruction out of the hands of terrorists. This includes Guns, Ammunition, and Explosives of Mass Destruction. This includes terrorists who are motivated by psychological issues or Radical ISLAM indoctrination. We must stop putting Weapons of Mass Destruction in the hands of terrorists! To protect the Right to Life of our citizens, we must have Universal Background Checks on guns, ammo, and explosives, and we must hire more police and security agents.
Some Soft on Terrorism Politicians may oppose keeping Weapons of Mass Destruction out of the hands of terrorists. Some Soft on Terrorism Politicians may oppose Universal Background Checks to stop terrorism. But we have a Constitutional Duty to defend the lives of American citizens from terrorism.
Is the United States of America a democracy, where elected representatives do the will of the people? Or has America become a Corporatocracy, where politicians serve Anti USA International Corporations? When 90 percent of the America people want Universal Background Checks to protect their Right to Life, but some International Corporations want more profits from selling weapons to terrorists, do elected representatives represent the people or rather represent their Anti USA Corporate Masters? Do Corporate Politicians care more about Corporate Profits from selling Weapons of Mass Destruction to terrorists, or about the lives of the American people?
When Corporate Politicians defeat Universal Background Checks, they are defeating the American people and threatening the lives of the American people! But, the American people will not be defeated by the Political Puppets of Anti USA International Corporations. America must be a Democracy, not a Corporatocracy! Elections can kick Corporate Politicians out of office and put Servants of The People in office.
I ask the voting public to demand Universal Background Checks to stop terrorism and save American lives! And if Corporate Politicians will not vote to stop terrorism, then I ask the voting public to pledge to join a Political Action Group to defeat opponents of Universal Background Checks. Those who Love the USA will vote to protect the USA from terrorism.
Keys to Speech Effectiveness:
You must fully understand that, unless we use strong words and strong emotions that are constantly repeated, then we will not have THE POWER to defeat the Anti USA International Corporations who want to make higher profits from selling Weapons of Mass Destruction to terrorists that kill the American people! To save America from terrorism, we must work hard to recruit millions of voters to join Political Action Groups devoted to defeating Corporate Politicians, in order to change votes and change elections! WHEN we kick Corporate Politicians out of office, THEN politicians will care more about the Right to Life of American citizens than about higher profits for Anti USA International Corporations.
Public Action for the Bill:
When the Bill is before congress, there should be massive marches and rallies in Washington and large cities. The crowd should chant the following:
USA, USA, USA. Universal Background Checks NOW!
USA, USA, USA. Stop Terrorism NOW!
NOTE: By having "USA" as a part of the chant, it communicates the fact that those who honestly LOVE the USA, want to stop terrorism with Universal Background Checks!
THE PEOPLE are taught to understand Advanced Voter Psychology,
THE PEOPLE will be free to think for themselves,
decide based on logic and evidence, and vote for their own self interest,
rather than being mind slaves who vote for their own destruction.
THE POWER of Psychological Triggers
and Political Labels is in the hands of THE PEOPLE
politicians will fear THE PEOPLE
more than they fear the Radical Super Rich Economic Dictators,
the Anti USA International Corporate Executives,
and the Corporate Brainwashing Media
politicians will serve THE PEOPLE.
USA House Progressive Majority GUARNTEED!
The Progressive Moral Majority
by Dale Lee Harris
Copyright © 2013 by Dale Lee Harris
I can GUARNTEE a Progressive Majority in the United States House of Representatives in the next election. I can PROVE that I can do that, because I can explain the KEYS to doing that and MY EXPERTISE in those keys. I can explain HOW to create a Progressive Majority, and WHY I am THE EXPERT on doing just that.
The Keys to Political Victory include:
You might have several questions, such as the following. WHY are those THE KEYS to victory? HOW can we USE those keys? I can answer those and other questions because I am THE EXPERT. I can teach a Class to the Leaders and Grass Roots Workers of the Democratic Party, Unions, and Progressive Organizations on how to use the Keys to Victory to Guarantee a USA House Progressive Majority.
I have the needed expertise in Voter Psychology, Ideological Theory, and Moral Philosophy. I am the inventor of the most advanced form of Positive Change Spiritual Psychology. I am the inventor of the most advanced Spiritual Political Model. I am the inventor of the most advanced Spiritual Transformation Model. I have explained how the spiritual transformations of humans from the Self-Other Animal Nature to the Good-Evil Spiritual Nature on the Individual, Social, and Nature levels can lead to ending most human suffering on planet Earth. I can teach how to change people from the Liberal versus Conservative Selfishness Psychology of us-them, to an enlightened understanding of the deeper truths of both sides and the honest pursuit of the Greater Truth, which incorporates the lesser Endangered Truths. The system of psychology that I invented includes a complete psychological model of human social behavior, with the causality control flow in the model. While popular psychology says that Value-Beliefs control human behavior, I explain that it is rather Loyalty-Value-Beliefs. Understanding and teaching my ideas is the key to SAVING America through Spiritual Transformation.
OK, let me just explain some of the essential keys that everyone needs to know, in order to guarantee a Progressive Majority in the USA House of Representatives. First things first.
As I have explained, it is the Loyalty-Value-Belief System that tends to directly control human actions. However, Motivational Psychology tends to program people's Loyalty-Value-Belief System. I can explain how that works, but it is enough to just understand that psychology can change or re-program people so that their actions are different. That is both how some people Brainwash people and how other people De-Brainwash people. Briefly, social acceptance and self pride are strong peer pressure motivators that often change human values in order to fit in with the group. Self Image Psychology can help people improve themselves through both greater self confidence and installing an Achievement Goal based on the Goal Self Image. The deeper core of Self Image Psychology is something that can be called Self Identification Psychology, or an understanding of what you believe is the Core Essential You, as opposed to your Outer Personal Characteristics. It is Self Image Psychology that includes perceptions like I am smart or I am a hard worker. It is Self Identification Psychology that includes core perceptions like I am a Republican or I am a Progressive. It is related to what I call the Loyalty System of what You LOVE and what You HATE. It is driven to a large degree by the Survival Instinct and the basic life need to understand: What is Me, What are my Friends that help me to survive, and What are my Enemies that threaten my survival? Thus, Self Identification Psychology is at the Very Core of control of the other parts of you which control your actions, and it is controlled to a large degree by Primal Instinct.
We can GUARNTEE a Progressive Majority in the United States House of Representatives, if we can use massive Grass Roots Conversion of voters to quickly change millions of voters from a Self Identification Psychology view of I am a Republican to I am a Progressive. The traditional strategies of turning out the base and winning over undecided voters, will not make the needed rapid change in the political landscape needed to accomplish that goal. The Political Experts do NOT KNOW how to do what I CAN do because they do not understand the ideas that I invented.
The question is, how can we change someone from the Core Self Identification Belief of I am a Republican to I am a Progressive? You might ask yourself the question of how people are converted from one religion to another. It is true that Self Worth, Social Belonging, and many other psychological barriers are in place that can prevent people from even listening to new ideas, let alone a dramatic change. However, motivation, truth, and inspiration can change people. Only by fully understanding the psychology of change, can we SAVE America.
We must first fully understand WHY some people say I am a Republican and give them a good reason to change. We must ask them: WHY are you a Republican and are those honestly good reasons? Is it honestly in your Self Interest to be a Republican? If you LOVE YOUR Self, LOVE YOUR family, LOVE YOUR country, and LOVE YOUR God, then it would be wise for you to change and say I am a Progressive.
People can be more effective at positively changing others if they better understand psychology, ideological theory, and moral philosophy. A study of my teachings can greatly help. Here, I will explain what I mean by the Loyalty-Value-Belief System.
The life time survival and after life well being of people is served when their Loyalty-Value-Belief System is guided by Oneness, Goodness, and Truth. We can help people to have better lives by helping them to improve themselves for their own self interest. We need to teach people the difference between Perceived Self and True Self. We need to teach people the essential nature of good and evil and what really makes something good or evil. We need to teach people how to use logic and evidence in order to determine the real truth. Everyone really needs to understand Moral Philosophy, Spiritual Psychology, and Ideological Theory. How else can voters have enough understanding to vote in their real self interest? But, until we can teach people more, we can at least teach people enough to understand that LOVING Self, Family, Country, and God means voting Progressive. We can at least explain that to people.
By understanding what I call Self Identification Psychology and the Loyalty System, which is the deepest and most powerful control over human actions, we can change their Core Control to therefore change their Loyalty-Value-Beliefs and therefore their actions. By changing millions of people from saying I am a Conservative Republican to saying I am a Progressive Democrat, we can change the political landscape of America.
People Self Identify by saying I am a Conservative Republican or I am a Progressive Democrat, due to what I call Self Identification Psychology. By understanding my concept of the Loyalty System we can understand how to change the psychological core control. The Loyalty System identifies what is Self, Other, and Anti-Self. By teaching voters that Corporate Republicans are AT WAR with YOU, YOUR family, YOUR country, and YOUR God, voters will view Corporate Republicans as being a part of the Anti-Self, and will no longer say I am a Conservative Republican. By teaching voters that Progressive Democrats are fighting to protect and help YOU, YOUR family, YOUR country, and YOUR God, voters will view Progressive Democrats as being a part of the Self, and will then say I am a Progressive Democrat.
All we have to do is talk to voters and say, I can prove to you that Corporate Republicans are at war with YOU, YOUR family, and YOUR country. Tell them that if they LOVE themselves, their family, America, and God, then they will at least listen to the evidence and seek to know the truth. It is very easy to PROVE that Corporate Republicans are AT WAR with YOU and Progressive Democrats are PROTECTORS of YOU. Republican Unregulated Free Trade Vulture Capitalism has destroyed millions of American jobs and hurt millions of American families. They are in fact working to maintain a high unemployment rate to force workers to work longer hours for less money in order to make their Radical Super Rich Puppet Masters richer and more powerful. Their efforts to increase the level of unemployment with job off shoring, economic meltdown, destroying small businesses, and laying off of public workers is proof that they are Anti-American. Their opposition to raising taxes on the Super Rich to finance massive Job Creating Government Domestic Spending to both quickly end most unemployment and create a long term budget surplus, from more people working and paying taxes, is proof that they oppose both jobs in America and a balanced budget. Ask voters if they can give any evidence or logical argument that contradicts what is obviously true. Then ask them, do you really want to vote for Corporate Republicans who are AT WAR with YOU and are stabbing YOU in the back? Ask them why they want to help their enemy to destroy them. Prey with them and ask that God will help them to see who their true friends and true enemies really are. Their LOVE for Self, Family, Country, and God can help them to overcome their brainwashing, see the truth, and positively change.
We can also supplement the Grass Roots Conversion Campaign with Radio Ads. To be effective the Ads must use the same effort to redefine Self and Anti-Self, and must reference a web page to recruit people to join the Grass Roots Conversion Campaign. Here are some suggested Ads.
Very Long Radio Ad or Public Speech:
The Republican Party is AT WAR
with Republican Voters.
Republican politicians
take jobs away from Republican Voters
by laying off public employees,
it is a Republican Party
against Republican Voters.
Republican politicians
oppose raising taxes on the Super Rich
to finance Job Creating Government Domestic Spending
to create millions of jobs and a budget surplus,
it is a Republican Party
against Republican Voters.
Republican Voters demand
action to keep
Guns of Mass Destruction
out of the hands of TERRORISTS
who kill American children,
AND Republican politicians
refuse to protect the
LIVES of the Children of Republican Voters,
it is a Republican Party
Against Republican Voters
and the children that they LOVE!
Republican Voters are getting very angry
at Republican politicians
for taking away their jobs
and taking away their children.
Republican Voters
are NOT going to take it any more!
Republican Voters DEMAND MORE JOBS and PROTECTION of THEIR children!
WHEN the Republican Party PROEVES
that they are the ENEMY of Republican Voters
by threatening the Economic Survival and Lives
of the Families of Republican Voters,
THEN that is when Republican Voters will decide
vote for their Corporate Republican ENEMIES!
To PROTECT their Economic Security
and the LIVES of their children,
Republican Voters will JOIN the
Progressive Moral Majority!
Radio Ad:
When the Republican Party
destroys millions of American jobs
through Free Trade Job Off-Shoring,
lack of regulations economic meltdown,
Vulture Capitalism stealing
of jobs and pension funds,
and firing of public workers,
it is an ACT OF WAR
against Republican Voters.
Protect YOUR family and America from unemployment
by voting Democrat.
Radio Ad:
Obama Care protects the lives
of the people you love.
Obama Cares about the health
of YOUR family.
Protect the health
and long life of those that you love
by electing Democrats.
Radio Ad:
A simple Economic Model of the Economy
proves that
taxing the Super Rich to finance
Government Domestic Spending
both ends most unemployment
and creates a budget surplus.
Republican Party opposition
greatly harms Republican Voters
with high unemployment
and a budget deficit.
The Republican Party is
AT WAR with Republican Voters.
Radio Ad:
The Republican Party
with YOU, YOUR family,
and Republican Voters.
Anti USA Corporate Republicans
are working to
gravely harm
the United States of America
by maintaining
a high unemployment rate
to help their Corporate Masters
keep wages low!
When Anti Jobs Republicans
lay off public workers
and oppose Government Domestic Spending
that would create jobs,
it is an ACT OF WAR
against YOU, YOUR family, and Republican Voters.
They stab their voters in the back
and gravely harm the United States of America,
in order to better serve their
Corporate Masters,
because they believe Republican Voters
are so brainwashed that
they will not fight back against
the Anti USA Corporate Republican Party.
Are YOU afraid to
that the Corporate Republican Party
is AT WAR with YOU and YOUR family?
Or, do you LOVE yourself and YOUR family enough to
question your self destructive beliefs,
overcome brainwashing,
The Corporate Republican Party
is THE ENEMY of YOU, YOUR family,
and the United States of America!
There is much that I can explain. I will list here some of the essential things that must be done.
There is of course much much more that can be said. But, this is a good start. Read my ideas online on my web pages for more insight into the things that I teach.
WARNING: to Progressive Democrats and America!
IF America does not take my advice, THEN Progressive Democrats will LOSE the USA House election by FAILING to win a majority of representatives in the United States House. The terrible cost will be that millions of Americans will NOT be SAVED, from unemployment, poverty, hunger, homelessness, disease, and death !!!
FACT: the Loyalty-Value-Belief System (LVBS) of individuals largely determines their actions, including the action of who to vote for. Unless Progress Democrats use an effective strategy for positively changing the LVBS of millions of voters, then there will NOT be victory, and millions of Americans will continue to suffer!
IF political leaders can not Think Outside The Box and listen to new ideas for victory, THEN there will be NO victory! For victory, we must questions old assumptions and consider bold new ideas for victory. For example, some may say that a political organization is secular by nature, and therefore can not talk about religion and morality. Since millions of voters vote almost solely based on their religious and moral values, to not talk about religion and morality is to write off those voters and therefore to write off the election!
The ONE AND ONLY WAY to convert millions of Republican Voters to become Progressive Voters is to CHANGE their LVBS, which includes their religious and moral values. If Progressive Candidates can not give a strong Biblical and logical argument, then they can not win the hearts and minds of religious voters and win more elections! IF there is no Progressives Moral Majority Movement, to teach voters that compassion for the poor is morally right and lack of compassion for the poor is morally wrong, THEN there is ZERO HOPE of converting voters to vote for Progressive Moral Values and the Progressive Candidates who believe in those values. Can you be HONEST with yourself and see the obvious, that we can not win without proving to voters that Progressive Values are Morally Superior!
QUESTION: Do you want to win the next election of not? Do you want to win it enough to question your old assumptions and listen to the proof that Advanced Voter Psychology is THE KEY to victory?
It is true that a secular organization will not seek to convert people from one religion to another. However, a secular organization must actively promote the moral values that it believes in, and be able to strongly argue for those values. IF you tell voters we believe Pro-Choice is good, but we have no logical or Biblical arguments to support that viewpoint, THEN you are really telling voters do not believe in our values and therefore do not vote for our candidates who work for our values! You do not win elections by implicitly telling voters to not vote for your candidates.
IF you HONESTLY want to WIN the next election, THEN have the honesty with yourself to fully understand the following TRUTH. You can not change the hearts and minds of millions of voters without an effective strategy to change the LVBS of those millions of voters. It must include Voter Psychology, Logical Proof, and Voter Education. The plan that I have presented includes the most advanced forms of all three. I can GUARANTEE a USA House Majority in the next election, because I am THE EXPERT.
WHY my ideas are FAR SUPERIOR and work FAR BETTER
My years of mental work has led to discoveries that have advanced the fields of Psychology, Moral Philosophy, and Political Science. My years of psychological research led me to a deeper understanding of the inner workings of the human mind. While popular psychology says that Value-Beliefs largely control human behavior, I discovered that it is rather the Loyalty-Value-Belief Systems (LVBS). My system of psychology includes a complete Psychological Model of human social behavior. I can explain how one can use Motivational Psychology to re-program people by changing their LVBS. I can explain how environmental conditions and triggers, together with the LVBS, triggers human actions, including the action of voting for a candidate. That is Advanced Voter Psychology.
Most people do not have a clue on how to overcome psychological barriers and defense mechanisms. So, they Write Off a very large segment of the voting public and therefore Write Off many elections. We can not win a large majority in the United States House by Writing Off Elections!
It is all about the protection of the Perceived Self. I use psychological triggers and prove to others that I am on their side. I also help them through a process of self examination to more fully understand what Self really is. A combination of psychology and moral philosophy can help others act in their real self interest by obtaining Enlightenment. In my Spiritual Psychology Class I teach students how to be happier by having the Freedom to think for themselves. The path to Freedom to Think is overcoming Mind Slavery. I then teach them to help themselves by working to improve their LVBS. We can end much human suffering and give happier lives to people, those that they love, and all of society, by helping people to improve themselves by positively changing their LVBS. While Corporate Republicans use brainwashing to get people to act against their self interest, I use Mind Liberation to get people to act for their self interest.
Since the LVBS controls human behavior, including the human behavior of voting, it follows that working to change the LVBS of voters is the key to winning elections! Some may argue that turning out the base is a large key to winning. True, but the Loyalty System in fact defines the base and is the key to turning out the base!
QUESTION: In the 2010 mid year election, WHY did many Progressive Democrats stay home and not vote, and thus give Corporate Republicans control of state governments so that they could gerrymander Congressional Districts just after the Census came out, and therefore give Corporate Republicans control of the United States House of Representatives for the next ten years? Corporate Republicans played a psychological manipulation game on Democratic Voters by telling them that Obama failed to act like a True Progressive and demand more job creating government spending NOW, so Democratic Voters should protest and get back at Obama by not voting! They psychologically TRICKED Democrats to act against their own self interest! How did they do that? By using psychology to make Democrats view Obama and the Democratic Party to be a part of the Anti Self that they should not vote for! That is, they used the Loyalty System to keep Democrats from turning out the base! As I said, the Loyalty System is the key to both expanding the base and turning out the base!
The LVBS controls the human action of voting, and is therefore the key to winning elections. The only question then is, what is the best strategy for positively changing the LVBS of voters? The answer is, the strategy that I have proposed, and I can PROVE it!
The Loyalty System not only defines Self, Other, and Anti-Self, but also defines Group Self, Group Other, and Group Anti-Self. Since a large segment of voters Group Self Identify as Christian, it is impossible to get their vote without addressing their Group Self Identification. That requires changing their Value System, since it controls the Loyalty System. This is because of the Ego Drive desire to believe I am Good. We must change their perception from TRUE Christianity is Conservative Christian Values of banning abortion to a realization that TRUE Christianity is following the teachings of JESUS CHRIST, namely the Progressive Christian Values of compassion for the poor.
To WIN we MUST address religious and moral issues and change the moral and religious viewpoints of millions of voters! While a secular political organization can and should state its moral values and strong arguments for its moral values, a more effective positive change can only come from a more religious based organization. That is why we must have a New Christian Reformation Movement, which is populated by Progressive Christians and Feminist Christians. IF men, women, and parents want to END RAPE of men, women, and children, THEN they must work together to form a New Christian Reformation Movement to fight back against priests and others who rape and promote the Social Values that cause rape.
We must use Biblical and logical arguments to change the hearts and minds of religious voters. There are many arguments that can and must be made, if we expect to win elections. For example, consider the following. The soul is the spiritual part of you that thinks and makes decisions. A one cell Zygote can not think and make decisions, and therefore has no soul and is not a person. Therefore, saying Zygotes are people is teaching the false doctrines of men.
We must also popularize the phrase Progressive Moral Majority. That is because the Value System has an impact on the Loyalty System. Due to the Ego drive for self respect, the perception of What is Good influences the perception of What is Self. We must prove to voters that Progressive Values are morally superior and Corporate Religion of Money Values are morally inferior.
We must PROVE to Republican Voters that the Republican Party is AT WAR with and is THE ENEMY of Republican Voters. That is easy enough to do, since it is THE TRUTH! When Corporate Republicans fire public workers and oppose government spending that would create jobs, it gravely harms Republican Voters. All we have to do is explain to them that their False Friends are stabbing them in the back because Corporate Republicans are only servants of Anti USA International Corporations. We need to spend millions in radio Ads and use Grass Roots Voter Conversion to hit that message over and over again until people hear that message enough times in the most convincing ways to finally spend some time thinking about the message and then open their eyes and see the truth. We need to tell all of our family members and friends the following message. IF YOU are a Republican Voter, THEN the Republican Party is YOUR ENEMY!
To change the Belief System of voters, we need to use Motivational Triggers to get them to listen, Logical Proof to help them to see the points, and detailed education so that they fully understand. Flyers, open meetings, discussions, and free downloadable classes are effective methods for helping people to learn the truth.
And, we grow in numbers by organizing, educating, and recruiting. Most of this must be done at the grass roots level. Radio Ads can help spread the message and point people to a web page where they can get flyers and a free downloadable class, to use at public educational meetings.
I have PROVEN that my ideas and strategies are THE BEST! IF you have any BETTER ideas, THEN present them and the proof of why they are better. I can debate the merits of what is best. But, if you fully understand what I have been saying, then you will agree that using my ideas and strategies will GUARNTEE a Progressive Majority in the United States House of Representatives.
Because of Gerrymandering, Progressive Democrats can NOT Take Back the United States House for at least ten years unless we can quickly change millions of voters from saying I am a Conservative Republican to rather saying I am a Progressive Democrat. The ONLY way to do that is to quickly change the LVBS of millions of voters, which includes the Perceived Group Self! I know how to Get Inside the Head of Voters.
Some may not want to listen to new ideas for WINNING the election due to the Ego Drive desire for self respect causing them to not want to believe that someone else can have a better idea. Make sure that your search for the best strategy is not driven by an ego desire to be right, but is rather driven by a LOVE desire to SAVE AMERICA by discovering and applying the best plan for WINNING. Be PROUD of YOURSELF for IMPROVING yourself by learning new ideas!
We must also END the filibuster. Unless there is NO FILIBUSTER on Court Appointments, then we can NOT have Progressives on the Supreme Court!
We can quickly end most unemployment and most rape. I can explain the details on how to do that.
WARNING: IF my ideas and strategies or BETTER ideas and strategies are NOT used, THEN there will NOT be a Progressive Majority in the United States House of Representatives for at least ten years and America will NOT be SAVED from grave human suffering! IF you want to WIN the election, THEN listen to my ideas!