Voters for Jobs - Web Site  
  Occupy Wall Street 99 Percent Movement
to END ALL Unemployment NOW !!!

NOTE: See You Tube videos at the BOTTOM of THIS page.
Voters for JOBS - Power to THE PEOPLE!!!
Workers UNITE for JOBS and POWER NOW!!!
Take Back Our Jobs Economic Democracy Meeting.
Occupy Wall Street 99 Percent SAVE THE WORLD.
Obama Wins Christian Vote by a LANDSLIDE.
Anti-Christ Republican Party Hates Christian Workers.
Drought Texas Sign from God.
Boycott China Plan to Recruit Millions to Join US.
Republican Candidates are GUILTY
of Communist Economic TREASON.

Occupy Wall Street 99 Percent Movement , LISTEN UP.
Your wildest dreams will come true, IF AND ONLY IF you demand and get POWER TO THE PEOPLE, and I can prove that. We can no longer trust politicians who make political promises in a campaign, and then sell out to Wall Street after the election. Rather than giving political power to politicians and maintaining a system of economic power to the Super Rich, we must give political and economic POWER TO THE PEOPLE, so the WILDEST DREAMS of THE PEOPLE CAN and WILL come true.

I have a degree in Economics and I am the inventor of a New Economic System, that is DESIGNED to achieve a NEAR ZERO unemployment rate, and maintain a NEAR ZERO unemployment rate for HUNDREDS of years. I can EASILY PROVE that we CAN have a NEAR ZERO unemployment rate within ONE or TWO years. The economic system that I invented is called Marco Economic Democracy. Unlike Micro Economic Democracy, my economic system maintains complete private ownership on the Micro or local level of small businesses. What it changes is public ownership on the Macro or national level of natural resources and the economy of the nation. Thus, THE PEOPLE of the nation would VOTE on ALL major national economic decisions, such as the tariff tax rates on low wage factory imports and the economic tax on businesses for off shoring American jobs to Communist China.

Simple logic PROVES that the system is FAR SUPERIOR for working class people. Any system that exists tends to serve best those who are in power to control the system. America does not have a true Capitalistic System, with small businesses competing in an open and free market. It has more of a Monopolistic Economic Dictatorship system, where the few in power are Economic Dictators of society, and the market is not free and open to new competition. Like Communism, it is an Economic Dictatorship of the few over the many. But, rather than it being an Economic Dictaorship of the Communist Party, it is an Economic Dictatorship of the Radical Super Rich. As a result, the Super Rich are the Economic Dictators of society, who grow ever richer and more powerful, while the Middle Class is being economically destroyed, and Freedom and Democracy is being replaced by Police State Economic Totalitarianism. The Radical Super Rich Economic Totalitarians are ANTI-Capitalists, in that a Monopoly Dictatorship opposes free market competition and free speech criticism of Monopy Power. On the other hand, in Macro Economic Democracy THE PEOPLE are in control of the economic system, and so the economic system is designed to best serve the needs of THE PEOPLE. In my book, Jesus Christ's World Utopia, written in 1984, I proposed a National Economic Board, elected by THE PEOPLE, to do Macro Economic Planning of the nation's economy, with the NUMBER ONE GOAL being, maintaining a NEAR ZERO unemployment rate.

WHEN there is a NEAR ZERO unemployment rate, it MAXIMIZES national productivity, and it MINIMIZES national poverty levels. Therefore, Macro Economic Democracy is FAR SUPERIOR to Capitalism at promoting economic growth and FAR SUPERIOR to Socialism at ending poverty. The high unemployment rate has PROVEN that Unregulated Free Trade Capitalism is a FAILED Economic System. To END ALL UNEEMPLOYMENT, it MUST be replaced with Consumer Protection Regulations, Job Protection Trade Policies, and Macro Economic Democracy.

IF the Occupy Wall Street 99 Percent Movement, DEMANDS and GETS the following, THEN we WILL ACHIEVE a NEAR ZERO unemployment rate within ONE to TWO years! WE must push for:
1) Limiting and highly taxing low wage factory imports, such as from Communist China, so that it is CHEAPER to produce products in the USA with good wages, than it is to pay the import tax.
2) Setting the tax rate on the Super Rich to be ten times the unemployment rate, so that a nine percent unemployment rate would mean a ninety percent tax rate on the Super Rich on all income, including Capital Gains and Inheritance.
3) Using taxes on the Super Rich and taxes on low wage factory imports, to finance massive job creation spending, especially for green energy jobs.
4) Passing an Amendment to the Constitution to establish Macro Economic Democracy.

Follow my advice, and we WILL HAVE a NEAR ZERO rate of unemployment, within ONE to TWO years, and it will last for HUNDREDS of years! I can PROVE it! Economic POWER TO THE PEOPLE will FREE THE PEOPLE from the suffering of unemployment. For more information, watch my You Tube videos, and see my other web pages.

Tell EVERYONE in the Occupy Wall Street 99 Percent Movement to visit this web page for a PLAN to END ALL UNEMPLOYMENT NOW!!!

Voters for JOBS - Power to THE PEOPLE !!!

Workers UNITE for JOBS and POWER NOW!!!

Take Back Our Jobs Economic Democracy Meeting

Occupy Wall Street 99 Percent SAVE THE WORLD

Obama Wins Christian Vote by a LANDSLIDE

Anti-Christ Republican Party Hates Christian Workers

Drought Texas Sign from God

Boycott China Plan to Recruit Millions to Join US

Republican Candidates are GUILTY
of Communist Economic TREASON