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  National Coalition For Men
Love and Sex Ed for Men and Women
Copyright © 2012 by Dale Lee Harris
All Rights Reserved
  National Coalition For Men
Love, Respect, and EQUALITY for MEN. - Other Web Site

NOTE: See You Tube videos posted at the end of this page.
Get More Sex Dance for Naked Women Naked
Male Lover Responds to Sexual Harassment
Spotlight Losing My Religion
Life is BIGGER than YOU and me
Militant Lesbian Secret WAR Against Women and Love
WHY Militant women HURT WOMEN
Sexual Harassment of Men 1
Sexual Harassment of Men 2
Sexual Harassment of Men 3
Women must CHANGE or DIE

This web page is the intellectual property of Dale Lee Harris, and may not be copied without the permission of Dale Lee Harris. It draws from material in the following books.

The Quest for Love
by Dave Erickson
Copyright © 1991 by Dale Lee Harris

Self Transformation Psychology
How to End Human Suffering

by Dale Lee Harris
Copyright © 1999 by Dale Lee Harris

Men, do you want to know the Sexual Relationship Psychology SECRECTS to sharing more love, pleasure, sex, and happiness with women? I will share some of that with you here, and you do not even have to pay for information that could help to improve your love life. I spent over twenty years at bars doing Sexual Relationship Psychology research on the secrets to being better at making women happy, and thus being popular with women and sharing pleasure and happiness with women. My research work included dancing with thousands of women and sharing pleasure with hundreds of women, to better understand the Sexual Relationship Psychology SECRETS to a more successful love life. I published some of my findings in my book The Quest for Love under the Pen name of Dave Erickson.

The thousands of hours of experimentation on theories and methods that I developed, led to my discovery of how men can become:

  1. Basic Male Lovers of Women.
  2. Highly Skilled and Successful Lovers of Women.
  3. Perfect or Great Lovers of Women.

One thing that I discovered is that Success at sharing love, pleasure, and happiness with women, does not depend solely on the man, but rather depends on three major factors.

  1. The Man: How Skilled of a Lover is he?
  2. Women: Are they interested in shared love?
  3. Society: Does the Environment Support love?

Thus, if there is less shared love and happiness than one might expect, then the "fault" can be: with the man, with women, or with the social environment. For "success" to occur, the man should be a lover, he should get interest and opportunity from women, and the social environment should supply positive reinforcing motivation for the behavior of shared love. If any of the three is missing, then "success" will not occur.

When I spent years at good bars sharing dances with thousands of women and sharing pleasure with hundreds of women, three things were proven to be true.

Thus, I did not just prove that I was a highly skilled lover of women, but I also proved that good and loving women at bars appreciate love, and I proved that disco dance bars respect men for loving women and making women happy.

On the other hand, I was in fact inhibited from being a lover in the work environment. The main reason is that evil militant women threatened to traumatically punish me if I were a lover with women at work. I asked for assurance that I would not be traumatically punished for being a masculine lover of women, but militant women refused to remove their threat of traumatic punishment of me for being masculine and for being a lover. In addition to that, when ever militant women at work heard about me making women happy at bars, they would sexually slander me for that.

Why should a man be a lover at work, if doing so means that "no one will buy it [his book]", which was written to help avert the global nuclear extermination of the human species? Why should a man be a lover, if it means that the human species will be exterminated? Also, why should a man be a lover in a hostile work environment, where making women happy results in sexual slander and the threat of economic punishment, such as losing your job?

My life experience proved to me that there are three key secrets to success at being a lover of women. The keys are the man, the women, and the social environment. Even if the man is a Perfect Lover of women, if he has no opportunities, because women are not interested in shared pleasure, then he will not share pleasure with women. Also, even if he is a Perfect Lover and there are good and loving women at work who are interested in shared pleasure, but he is sexually slandered and threatened with life or death traumatic punishment, then he can be inhibited from sharing pleasure with women. So, sometimes the fault is neither with him nor with the good and loving women in the social environment, but rather with third part militant women, who create a hostile environment.

From my years of experience at bars and at work, I realized the following. If I could teach men the secrets to my success at bars, then more men could have greater success with good and loving women at bars. If I could discover and then teach men how to stop evil militant women from punishing men for being masculine and for being lovers, then men could change hostile work environments into positive environments, where men are free to make women happy. Of course, it may always be a lot safer to be a lover at bars.

OK, here are some of the Sex Success Secrets that I have learnt.


For men to be or become Basic Lovers of Women, men need to "Love Women and Make Women Happy". To do that, men need to be educated to the fact and fully understand the fact that "making women happy" is in the self interest of men. My book, The Quest for Love supplies the most convincing argument for supporting that truth. In that book, I copyrighted many of the psychological secrets that I discovered from thousands of hours of research over a period of many years.

NOTE: I, Dale Lee Harris, am the copyright owner of the ideas and phrases "three forms of happiness", "pleasure happiness", "freedom happiness", and "love happiness".

To be or become basic lovers, men need to fully understand the following. The most enjoyable form of happiness is Love Happiness. It is the joy you get from making others happy and emotionally enjoying the happiness of others. Therefore, making women happy is not something that you do for women, but something that you do for yourself. Feeling love in your heart for women, gives warmth and love to your heart. If you love others, and your love is not returned, your heart has gained the great joy of feeling love and being in love. Even when there is emotional pain and disappointment from your love being rejected, the joy of loving and being in love is far greater than any emotional pain. For many reasons, loving women and making women happy is not something that you do for women, but rather something that you do for yourself.


To be a highly skilled and successful lover of women, you need to do three things:
1) greatly increase your love skills.
2) find good and loving women who are interested.
3) find a positive social environment that supports love.
I can not condense a 100 page book of advice down to a few words, but I can give some of the most important points to know. To be highly skilled at taking advantage of opportunities for shared love and happiness, work on developing the following skills.

The more you become highly skilled at NOTICE, STIMULATE, RESPOND, and SATISFY, the more successful you will be with women. There are other skills that I teach in my book, but this skill alone is very important.

Fully understand that "giving women the pleasure they want" is NOT "the secret" to "making women happy". It is incomplete because it is a passive response and it only focuses on a part of true happiness. It is also imperfect. To make women happy, it is just as important to be masculine to stimulate and increase the desires of women for male initiated shared happiness, as it is to be a lover by responding to the active desires of women for female initiated shared happiness. Also, remember the three forms of happiness, copyrighted by Dale Lee Harris. Only Dale Lee Harris has the legal intellectual property rights to be able to teach how to Make Women Happy by using all Three Forms of Happiness. Besides giving women Pleasure Happiness, it is just as important to give women Freedom Happiness, by supporting the rights of women to say "no". And also give them Love Happiness, through shared love. Also, in terms of Pleasure Happiness, giving a woman what she desires is imperfect, because it is an external communication and surface understanding of the deeper inner person. You need to be inside her mind, to fully understand her emotional needs. That is why I say to satisfy her deepest inner desires.


To be a Perfect or Great Lover of women, you need to take it to the next level. Success requires the positive cooperative work of you, women, and your social environment. Being successful means highly developing your skills, finding good women, and finding a good social environment. To be great or "perfect", you need to overcome faults or "imperfections" in yourself, women, and society. That means a constant process of self examination to see where you can improve yourself. It also means examining women and society, and influencing women and society to make positive changes.

I would advise men to do the following, regarding the Sexual Harassment and Sexual Abuse of being slandered and punished for making women happy.

  1. When you are in a positive environment, have faith in that social environment and forget about negative experiences in a negative social environment, so your successful behavior is not limited.
  2. When you are on your own, take the time to think about your negative experiences and how to devise a strategy to change society to end your sexual harassment and abuse.
  3. In a negative social environment, seek to educate society as to the negative behavior of militants, and seek help to remove that behavior.
  4. If society can not or will not work to end the sexual harassment of men by militant women, then the only real choice may be a law suit for Sexual Harassment.

Success at being a lover requires three things: a male lover, women who appreciate love, and a social environment that supports love. I Succeeded at being a highly skilled and even perfect lover with good and loving women at good bars. Men can not be lovers while they are being slandered, threatened, and traumatically punished for being a lover. Evil militant women play a dishonest social game. They slander, threaten, and traumatically punish a man for making women happy, and then claim that "he failed" to make women happy, when the fault for any "failure", was with them. Militant women FAILED to allow him to make women happy.

How can a man be a lover in a hostile work environment, where militant women slander and threatened him, for making women happy? There is only one way. The hostile work environment MUST CHANGE into a supportive work environment. All slander, threats, and punishment for making women happy, must be removed. How can that be done? Either militant women must be fired and removed from the social environment for sexually harassing the man, or they must agree to change and end their sexual harassment. Militant women may claim that they want men to make women happy, but slandering and punishing men for making women at bars happy, proves otherwise. If they honestly wanted men to make women at work happy, then they would do the following.

  1. Stop slandering the man for making women at bars happy, by saying "We respect him as a lover, for making good and loving women at bars happy."
  2. End the threat of traumatic punishment for being a lover, by saying, "We promise that he will not be punished for making women at work happy."

If militant women can not say those two things, then it proves that they do not really want men to be lovers of women at work.

But, why should men be lovers of women at work? There is no real reward for being a lover at work. And, there is far more to be gained from being a lover with women at bars. A man can be a lover, without being a lover at work. There is far lower odds of negative consequences, from being a lover at bars. There are far more good and loving women at bars, who are actively interested in shared pleasure or maybe a one night stand. The social environment is far more supportive of shared love and pleasure between men and women. If there is a place to test men to see if men are lovers of women, it would be in the positive social environment of a bar.

If women at work want men to be lovers at work, then they need to make sure that men are complemented and supported for making women at work happy. They need to make sure that militant women do not slander and attack men, for making women happy.

I succeeded at being a highly skilled lover, in a positive social environment, that supports shared love. If militant women are not allowed to slander and threaten men at work, then men will be more likely to be lovers of women at work.

For a man to be Perfect, he must first Perfect Society. He must first demand that society change, so that positive actions are always supported and never attacked. To do that, negative or evil forces must be removed from society. To do that, we must first look at and understand the threat of being slandered and traumatically punished for making women happy. Only when the threat is removed, can the inhibition end. Men can only be Perfect, in a Perfect Social Environment. Read on, for more information on obtaining "perfection", through understanding and defeating evil.

Jealous Militant Lesbians have uncontrollable jealous hatred of men who dare to share pleasure and sex with a lot of women. That pisses them off, more than anything. They use hatred, slander, threats of traumatic punishment, and economic punishment to stop men from being lovers and giving women the pleasure and sex that they want. Many years of life experience has proven that to me.

Here is just one example of many many years of sexual hatred and sexual harassment that I have been subject to. In the last week of 2011, I overheard a conversation between men and a militant woman at work. She said, "He is not a lover". When a man said, "He made women happy", she responded "That is not a lover". Since, "that" referred to "making women happy", she was thus saying, "Making women happy is not a lover".

When militant women say that, "Making women happy is not a lover", they prove several things.

  1. They have no clue as to what a lover is.
  2. They do not want men to make women happy.
  3. They do not want women to be happy.
  4. They HATE WOMEN.

The truth is Making Women Happy IS Being a Lover. The truth is that the essential definition of a male lover of women, is a man who loves women and proves his love for women by working to make women happy. Thus, "making women happy" is the essential goal and nature of a male lover of women and is the key proof that a man is a lover of women. Anyone who does not understand that, does not have any idea on what a male lover of women is. Militant women are sexual haters and the champions of sexual hatred between men and women. So, they really have no clue as to the nature of romantic love and what it means to be a lover. A militant woman would not know what a male lover was, even if one bit her on the ass. She would think it was a snake, because they believe all men are snakes.

When militant women sexually slander and reject a man for "making women happy", it proves that they do not want men to "make women happy". Thus, they do not want women to be happy. Wanting women to be unhappy PROVES that militant women HATE women.

I spent years at bars giving good and loving women the pleasure and sex that they wanted. In response, they shared pleasure and sex with me and praised me as a lover. If good and loving women at bars give you sex and call you a lover, then who gives a damn about the false beliefs of the jealous militant haters of male lovers? To the jealous militant haters of male lovers, I have the following to say. You are a sexual liar, your beliefs are false, your opinions mean nothing, and you can GO TO HELL.

In 1984, I wrote my book, Jesus Christ's World Utopia, in part to trigger a positive change in the world that would help to avert the expected Global Thermal Nuclear Extermination of the human species. Only the democratization of the Soviet Union could avert a near future Global Thermal Nuclear War, that would have EXTERMINATED the human species. After I wrote that book, some women at work expressed a desire that I be a lover. But, for my basically Christian book to become popular in Christian Book Stores, rumors of me sharing sex with women, would have sabotaged my message and my efforts to help prevent the EXTERMINATION of the human species. But, if women appreciated me for being a lover and showed that appreciation by supporting my book and work to SAVE THE WORLD, then maybe it would be worth it. Would being a lover be rewarded with support for my work?

So, I asked how much help I could expect, if I were a lover. The response? I was told that if I were a lover, then "no one will buy it [my book]". Thus, I was essentially told that, if I were a lover at work, then it would be PUNISHED with sabotage of the success of my book, and thus with the EXTERMINATION of the human species. I let women at work know that if they wanted me to be a lover, then they needed to assure me that I would not be traumatically punished for being a lover. But, they refused to remove the threat of traumatic punishment for being a lover.

Answer this question.
IF YOU knew that being a lover at work would be traumatically punished with the DEATH of people that YOU LOVED, then would YOU have been inhibited from being a lover at work? Be honest. Of course it would inhibit you, if you honestly loved those people and feared for their lives.

Militant women used other methods to prove to me that they did not want me to make women happy. When ever they heard about me making good and loving women at bars happy, they sexually slandered me for it. They also sought to punish me for making women at bars happy, by working to lower my salary and get me laid off my job, for daring to make women happy.

I succeeded at being a highly skilled lover and perfect lover of women at bars, because good and loving women at bars supported me and respected me for making them happy. That allowed me to ignore the slander and threats from militant female haters of male lovers, when I was with good and loving women at bars.

The question is, can a man succeed at being a lover of women at work, when jealous militant female haters of male lovers slander, threaten, and punish him for making women happy? There is only one way that men can be lovers of women at work. Men need to get help from good and loving women at work, to remove the slander, threats, and punishment of making women happy, so men are not inhibited from making women at work happy. How can that be done? Perhaps through a Social Contract or agreement with good and loving women at work.

To good and loving women at bars, I have the following to say. WE HAD IT ALL. I was a Perfect Lover, and we shared love, pleasure, sex, and mutual respect. You were the secret and reason for my success. For that, I will be eternally grateful.

To good and loving women at work, I have the following to say. If you want a man to be a lover at work, then you must do the following for him.

The DREAMS OF WOMEN will ONLY COME TRUE, when good and loving women help good and loving men to defeat the militant ENEMIES OF LOVE and HATERS OF LOVERS.

There were good and loving women at work, and I complement those women. However, as long as evil militant women at work hated, slandered, threatened, and punished me every time they heard about me being a lover with women at bars, it was not safe to be a lover with women at work. The "fault" was not with me. The "fault" was not with women. The "fault" was with the hostile work environment. It was not the fault of the entire work environment, but rather only with the evil militant women who hated and punished me for being masculine and for being a lover with good and loving women at bars.

Militant lesbians have said in print that they will "kill all men" and will "bust up" heterosexual men and women for sharing pleasure. Militant lesbians have said in print that "all heterosexual sex is rape". So, is it really any surprise that a man would be hated, slandered, and punished for being a heterosexual masculine lover?

For years at bars, I proved that I was a lover. But, despite that, some evil militant women at work may be heard screaming in a man's face and ears that, "he is not a lover". Why are they so fearful of men recognizing and respecting other men for loving women and making women happy? Because if men respect me and other men for loving women and making women happy, then men will accept and live by the social value that, "Men should love women and make women happy." And if all men did live by that social value, then all men would be lovers of women. And, if all men were lovers of women, then women's love dreams would come true. And, if women's dreams of male lovers came true, then militant women would never be able to recruit women to follow them in their "War Against Men".

Militant women fight hard to keep men from respecting other men for "loving women and making women happy". If all men accepted and lived by the social value of men "loving women and making women happy", then women's dreams would be true, and the "War Against Men" could not survive.

They especially do not want men to believe my advice to them, to "make women happy" in order to be happy. If men believed my advice, then men might read my book The Quest for Love and take my Sexual Relationship Psychology class, where they can learn the secrets to getting more sex by making women happy. However, when they Sexually LIE about me, it does not just hurt me, the Sexual Harassment victim. It also hurts men, by denying men the opportunity to read my book, take my class, and have a better sex life by being better at making women happy.

But mostly, it also hurts women, because it denies women more highly skilled male lovers of women and it hurts women by denying women love and happiness. The truth is, evil militant women are not just AT WAR with masculinity and male society. Punishing me for being masculine with women at bars, was proof of that. When a man is masculine with women at bars, and militant women hate, slander, and punish him for being masculine, it proves that militant women do not want men to be masculine! But, evil militant women are also AT WAR WITH WOMEN. Using hate, threats, and punishment to inhibit men from making women happy, is proof of that.

WHEN a man is GOOD, and an EVIL person criticizes him for being GOOD, it does NOT make him WRONG for being GOOD. It rather makes the EVIL person WRONG for criticizing GOOD behavior.

Making women happy is GOOD. RESPECTING a man for making women happy is RIGHT. NOT RESPECTING a man for making women happy is WRONG. Because militants slander me for making women happy, that makes militants WRONG, LIARS, and AT WAR with women.

If you want a happier life through better sexual relations, then read my book and take my class, whether evil militant women like it or not. Do not let their hatred inhibit you from reading a book and taking a class, that will help you to share more pleasure and love with women.

If you want the dreams of women to come true, of more men being highly skilled at making women happy, then read my book, take my class, and encourage men to do the same. Do not allow militant women to destroy the male lover dreams of women.

I have had many Life Dreams that I have worked to accomplish in this life time. When one has more than one goal or dream, one has to prioritize them and work for the more important goal at a higher priority than less important goals. My Life Mission of helping to avert the extermination of the human species, was far more important and critical than a goal of being a lover. Because evil militant women had threatened to sabotage my book and work to save the human species, as punishment for being a lover at work, the more important goal had to take priority. Since I could not get assurance that I would not be traumatically punished for being a lover at work, I had to give up on that, for the sake of the survival of the human species.

For men to be Perfect Lovers, they need to have the power to demand and get from society the respect and reward that they need, in order to make it "worth it" to them, to be a lover in that social environment. If the given social environment is unwilling or unable to empower him and give him what he needs and demands, then there is insufficient reason for him to be a lover in that social environment. Either give a man what he says he wants for being a lover, or blame yourself if he chooses to not be a lover in that social environment.

Men should think of their own happiness, which includes their freedom to decide to do what is in their own self interest. It is not always good for a man to be a lover. If he is in a social environment where the slander and punishment for being a lover is far greater than the respect and reward, then he is better off not being a lover in that social environment. He might want to demand that society change, and prove to him that being a lover will give him what he demands as reward for being a lover. He may tell society, let me know when you change and meet my conditions, and then and only then will I consider being a lover in this social environment.

However, if men want to know how to be a lover, in spite of being attacked for being a lover and being in a hostile social environment, then I have some advice. You need to learn how to defeat those who attack you. You need to learn how to change your social environment, from a hostile environment, to a supportive environment.

Men need to work hard to become psychologically and socially stronger than evil militant women, who attack men for making women happy. That means learning as much as you can about Relationship Psychology and related fields of psychology as you can. It means having friends, getting social support, forming social alliances, and having social agreements to remove the threats of slander and punishment for making women happy.

When you are stronger than evil, then you can seek out, face, defeat, and destroy those who hate, slander, threaten, and punish you, for making women happy.

But most importantly, you must CHANGE SOCIETY. Demand that evil militant haters of male lovers never be "in charge" of judging the behavior of men and the slander and punishment or respect and reward of male behavior. Demand that good and loving men and women unite and empower themselves to be the Social Rulers of Society, and work to support those who promote happiness, as well as work to oppose those who promote unhappiness. Demand that evil militant women not be included in any Social Contract regarding the conditions for the respect and reward of men or women. Demand that when a person says that he or she needs certain rewards in order to make it worth it to perform an expected task, that the freedom of choice and rights of the person is always respected and supported.

At a national level, perhaps what is really needed is for good and loving men and women to unite and form a National Coalition of Lovers, to protect and support those who make others happy. Perhaps what is really needed is to educate society by having millions of people read my books and take my classes, in order to positively change society.

I can teach people how to live happier lives. I can teach society how to end hate, violence, rape, and murder, to end human action based forms of human suffering. But in order for me to save millions of people from unhappiness, suffering, and death, people need to do far more than just read this web page. People need to read my books and take my classes. People need to financially support my work to write more and teach people more. Only then can millions of people be saved from unhappiness, suffering, and death.

Some may be curious about my fear of the EXTERMINATION of the human species. I was not the only person in that time period to have a phobia about Global Nuclear War. Leading scientists warned that a Nuclear War between the United States and the Soviet Union would lead to a Global Nuclear Winter and radioactive land unfit for inhabitation. When a huge astroid hit Earth, it was the Global Winter effect that was responsible for the global extermination of dinosaurs.

I saw psychic visions of a near future Nuclear War. A psychic vision is not like watching something on TV or a Movie Theater. You are actually there in a spiritual body and you are immersed in the sights and sounds. As a psychic, you may intensely feel the emotions and pain in the minds of others. It is hard for anyone to imagine what it is like to hear thousands of blood curdling screams of anguish, terror, and hopeless despair, and you helplessly watch millions of human bodies melt and burn before the Mushroom Fires of Hell on Earth. Thousands of terror screams echo in your mind, and they continue to echo day after day, week after week, month after month, till your life is a Living Hell. When a soldier in war sees a close friend have his leg or head blown off, then after the war he can have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I had many Panic Attacks from my visions of a future that I could not live with. When I say that I could not accept the future that I saw, I mean that it was a terror that no human mind could endure. I felt my heart and my soul being pulled from my body. I saw a vision that no human should ever have to see.

One of my Life Missions on planet Earth in this incarnation to the Earth Plane of Existence, was to advocate for global change, to help avert human suffering and death. The only way that a Global Nuclear War could be avoided between the United States and the Soviet Union, was for the Soviet Union to democratize. In my book, Jesus Christ's World Utopia I said that the world was at a cross roads between Doom's Day and Utopia. Humanity could either evolve upward toward a perfect world that ends all human suffering, or evolve downward into the Doom's Day Extermination of the human species.

I had hoped that if my book sold enough copies, then the readers of my book would contact Congress and press Congress to push for the democratization of the Soviet Union. When militant women at work told me that, if I were a lover at work, then "no one will buy it [my book]", they were threatening the extermination of the human species. The blood of billions of people was on their heads and their hands, and they became demons from Hell with the flesh of humans as a disguise. It is hard to fully describe the emotions that I felt. Anger would not even be close.

Many years later, I received the spiritual feeling that now was the time to help save the world. Rather than selling my book to people, who would then contact Congress, I would directly contact Congress myself. So, I sent a copy of my book, together with a flyer, to every member of the Unites States House and Senate. I advocated for the democratization of the Soviet Union. Some members of Congress sent me a response thanking me for the book. Within a year of sending the books and flyers, the Soviet Union did democratize. I am sure that many people were praying for the democratization of the Soviet Union and working to advocate for that. My voice was a part of the energy and effort that helped to change the future of the world. As a result of the democratization of the Soviet Union, the Global Nuclear Extermination of the human species did not occur after all. We were saved.

Some people may wish that they had psychic abilities, like telepathy and visions of the future, because it would be so cool to have magical powers. I believe that God gives spiritual gifts to people when they are on a spiritual mission from God, and the gifts help him or her to achieve the mission. Believe me, you may not really want to have such abilities, if it meant the burden of the responsibility and pain that goes along with those abilities. You might view it more as a curse, than as a blessing. So, don't wish for something, unless you know the cost involved. You might not really want your wish to come true.

Why do militant women hate and abuse men?

Militant women are evil abuser of men, for the same reason that militant white people are evil abusers of other races. It is a basic evil nature at their core. Thus, what you may see in your local work environment, may be a reflection of a greater political reality at the national level. Thus, one may have to address national political issues, in order to positively change the fabric of society.

Are there in fact Sexual Hate Studies classes, taught in colleges in America, that in fact teach women that it is good to Sexually Harass men at work? Are women in those classes given class exercises to sexually slander men that they know in front of class, and cheer loudly when another woman in front of class does so? Are the female students graded based on how well they sexually slander men and cheer for other women who sexually slander men? Thus, are some classes in colleges the training grounds for the Sexual Harassment of men at work?

Ending Sexual Harassment of men, as well as of women, is one of my minor goals. My minor goals in life are a part of my more major goal or dream in life of working to "End All Human Suffering".

To End All Human Suffering one must end the causes of human suffering. In one of my three books I explain that there are three categories of human suffering: society based human suffering, human based human suffering, and nature based human suffering. The causes of human based human suffering is evil in the hearts and minds of people. In particular, racial hatred and sexual hatred are evil and cause suffering between the races and sexes.

Militant women, like all evil haters, are driven by selfish lust for power and hatred of all who they see as a threat to their power over the lives of others. Like militant white people, who claim to be the champions of the white race, they claim to be the champions of the female gender. They are both liars. They are rather the champions of Sexual Hatred and Racial Hatred. They claim to help white people and help women. The truth is that they greatly hurt all races, including the white race, and both sexes, including women.

When a man spends years of his life loving women and making women happy, and militant women sexually slander him for daring to love women and make women happy, they greatly hurt women. Their slander can inhibit the man from loving women and making women happy, and thus destroy male love for women and shared happiness between men and women.

Their slander of men for making women happy, also teaches men that, in the opinion of militant women, men should not love women and make women happy. If men believe what militant women are teaching, then men begin to believe that it is bad for men to love women and make women happy, and therefore it is good for men to hate women and hurt women. When militant women slander good and loving men for making women happy, they are encouraging men to rather hate women and hurt women. That increases the abuse and rape of women. By telling men it is wrong for a man to give women the pleasure that they want to make women happy, militant women are in effect advocating that men should rather hate women and rape women. Slandering men for making women happy promotes the rape of women and greatly hurts women. The truth is that the social value of Sexual Hatred, which militant women practice and promote, is the major cause of rape. By being against men who make women happy, militant women are on the side of men who rape women.

When a man works to save billions of people from suffering and death, he is working to save billions of women from suffering and death, because women are a part of the population. Therefore, he is helping women millions of times more than militant women could ever dream of helping women. When militant women economically sabotage his work, they are in effect causing billions of women to suffer and die. By hurting and killing billions of women, militant women are the worst enemy of women. They have hurt women millions of times more than the second worst enemy of women, which is men who rape women.

When militant women oppose work to prevent the extermination of the human species, militant women are threatening the extermination of the human species. By becoming the killers of the human species, militant women become the killers of all women on planet Earth. That makes them the greatest enemy of women.

I told militant women that life was bigger than you and me. It is much much bigger. The survival of the human species, which I was working to protect, was much bigger than their petty you-me game. They were on the wrong side of the you-me conflict, and they were certainly on the wrong side of the survival of the human species.

Like all militant haters, militant women are liars. When they say they want to help women, it is a lie. They only want to help themselves to power over women. It is easy to prove that militant women are liars. If they honestly wanted to help women, they would highly praise a man for spending years giving women the pleasure that they wanted to make women happy. That would encourage other men to also become highly skilled at making women happy. Praising men who make women happy helps women. Slandering men who make women happy hurts women. If militant women honestly wanted to help women, then they would economically support work to save the lives of women, rather than economically sabotage work to save the lives of women.


The truth is that good and loving women who love men and want equality between both sexes, would be far better off joining an Egalitarian men's group, like the National Coalition For Men, rather than having any association with a militant organization of women. A militant organization of women promotes Sexual Hatred, which hurts women as much as it does men. An Egalitarian men's group promotes love, understanding, and equality, which helps women as much as it does men. So, if there is no Egalitarian Organization for Love and Understanding between the sexes, then men and women are both better off joining an Egalitarian group for men.

While it is true that militant women and women negatively influenced by militant women, do not appreciate male love for women, there are good and loving women who do. Good and loving women at bars do appreciate and complement men for loving women and making women happy. Leading female singers have popular songs that praise men for loving women and making women happy.

This web page promotes the National Coalition For Men. How does that tie in with what I have been saying. There are many Men's Issues that people are not aware of. The one issue that is most important to me is the Sexual Harassment of men by evil militant women, in particular sexually slandering men for making women happy. My point is that when militant women sexually harass men for making women happy, it also hurts women by inhibiting men from making women happy.

I believe women would be far better off joining and financially supporting an Egalitarian Men's group, like National Coalition For Men. Helping men to overcome inhibition of making women happy, helps women. So good women who love men, should help men fight back against militant women who oppose male love for women.

An Egalitarian Sex Group advocates for Love, Understanding, and Equality. Men and women both benefit from better sex lives. Sexual Relationship Psychology can teach men and women how to understand themselves and each other, how to communicate without saying a word, and how to have a better love and sex life. Men and women need to unite under the banner of LOVE, to help each other end suffering and find happiness.

I am the Champion of Love and a champion of the human species. By working to unite everyone in love and save billions of people from suffering and death, I am saving people of all races and both sexes. That makes me the best champion of all races and both sexes. Watch my you tube videos for more insight into what I am saying.

Get More Sex Dance for Naked Women Naked

Male Lover Responds to Sexual Harassment

Spotlight Losing My Religion

Life is BIGGER than YOU and me

Militant Lesbian Secret WAR Against Women and Love

WHY Militant women HURT WOMEN

Sexual Harassment of Men 1

Sexual Harassment of Men 2

Sexual Harassment of Men 3

Women Must CHANGE or DIE