Voters for Jobs
Endorses Doug Jones
as a United States Senator from AL.
Below are some of the arguments
in support of that endorsement.
Doug Jones wins the TRUE Christian Vote
Will Christians Vote the way Jesus Christ wants them to vote?
Jesus said that not providing for the needy can send you to hell.
Matthew 25:31-46.
God judges us not just based on our individual action,
but also based on our collective actions as a nation.
Voting to deny food and health care to the needy
is the same thing as denying food and health care to the needy.
Voting to cut taxes on Billionaires is being a Servant of Money,
rather than a Servant of God. Matthew 6:24.
Some say we should vote to end abortion.
Neither Jesus nor the Bible says abortion is wrong!
That is a False Doctrine of Men.
Jesus Christ said that if you vote
based on the Doctrines of Men
then your worship of God is in Vain. (Matthew 15:9).
Voting for the Doctrines of Men
that we must ban abortion
is not being a Servant of God.
It is rather being a Servant of Money
and the Economic Dictators of America
who want their Billionaire taxes cut.
Economic Dictators have bought and own
the Republican Party and may have
bought and own some Servant of Money pastors
with mega millions to tell people
to vote to cut taxes on Billionaires.
Jesus Christ would not vote for a pedophile,
vote to cut taxes on Billionaires,
nor vote to cut funding to help the needy.
Vote the way Jesus Christ would vote.
Defeat Servant of Money Roy Moore.
Elect Servant of God Doug Jones to the United States Senate.
TRUE Christians will elect
Servant of God Doug Jones
to the United States Senate.
When calling voters in Alabama,
consider saying the following things.
Doug Jones is the Servant of God
and Servant of the people candidate
who will save the lives of seniors,
save the lives of the needy,
and give good paying jobs
to the workers of Alabama.
Roy Moore is the Servant of Money
and Servant of Economic Dictators candidate
who will cut taxes on Billionaire Economic Dictators.
That will result in hurting and killing
senior citizens with cuts to Medicare and Social Security,
hurting and killing the needy with cuts
to Medicaid and other social programs,
and deny jobs to the workers of Alabama.
Because Roy Moore rejects socialism,
he rejects the Values of Jesus Christ and he may
KILL Senior Citizens, the Needy, and the workers of Alabama.
Jesus Christ said that the rich should
pay taxes and most of their wealth
should be used to provide for the needy.
( Matthew 22:21 and Luke 18:22 ).
Thus Jesus Christ advocated taxing the rich
at a higher rate to provide for the needy.
That is, Jesus Christ advocated for Socialism.
Rejecting Socialism IS rejecting
the Moral Values taught by Jesus Christ!
Advocating for cutting taxes on Billionaires
is being a Servant of Money,
rather than being a Servant of God!
The Anti Christian rejection of Socialism,
means rejecting the Socialism of Medicare and Social Security,
and thus KILLING Senior Citizens from the loss
of the Socialism of Medicare and Social Security!
The Anti Christian rejection of Socialism,
means rejecting the Socialism of Medicaid,
Food Stamps, and giving food to the poor,
and thus KILLING the Needy from the loss
of the Socialism of Medicaid, Food Stamps,
and other programs!
The Anti Christian rejection of Socialism,
means rejecting the Socialism of taxing billionaires
to finance creating millions of construction jobs
and Green Energy Jobs and having Unemployment Insurance,
and thus KILLING the working class
from lack of jobs and income!
IF you agree with Servant of Money
Roy Moore that we should
reject Socialism and rather cut taxes on Billionaires,
then you agree that we should
KILL Seniors, KILLS the Needy, and
KILL the working class,
because we choose to NOT tax Billionaires
to balance the budget and provide for social needs!
But if you agree with Servant of God
Doug Jones that we should follow Jesus Christ
and tax Billionaires, then you also agree that we should
SAVE the LIVES of Seniors who need
Medicare and Social Security,
SAVE the LIVES of the Needy who need
Medicaid and Food Stamps,
and SAVE the LIVES of the working class
who need jobs and unemployment insurance.
WHEN you stand before Jesus Christ on Judgement Day,
will you say that you chose to VOTE to
cut taxes on Billionaires and KILL the Needy,
or raise taxes on Billionaires to SAVE the LIVES
of the Needy?
VOTE the way Jesus Christ would vote
and the way Jesus Christ wants you to vote.
Vote for Servant of God and
Servant of the People Doug Jones,
not Servant of Money and
Servant of Economic Dictators
Roy Moore.
WARNING: WOE to those who do NOT vote to
Tax Billionaires to SAVE the LIVES
of senior citizens, the needy, and
the working class.
WOE to those who do NOT vote
to kick EVERY Republican out of office
who wants to cut taxes on the
Economic Dictators of America
and cut social programs that will
KILL seniors, the needy, and the working class!
WOE unto those who say the following
in their heart:
I do not need to vote the way
Jesus Christ would vote.
Voting the way the pastor tells me to vote
will get me into heaven.
Jesus Chris will CONDEMN you on Judgement Day
for following your pastor,
rather than following Jesus Christ!
Jesus said that if you vote based on
Church Doctrine and the
Doctrines of Men,
then YOUR worship of God is in VAIN!
Matthew 15:9.
Jesus said that pastors who teach the
Doctrines of Men
are the blind leading the blind
and may lead their Church Congregation
into the Pits of HELL. Matthew 23:24.
Jesus Christ says that
if you vote the way your pastier
tells you to vote,
namely based on the Doctrines of Men,
then you will be rejected by Jesus Christ
on Judgement Day.
You may say to Jesus, Lord, Lord,
look at all I have done in your name.
But Jesus Christ will say to you:
I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Matthew 7:21-23.
IF you care about what will happen to you
on Judgement Day,
THEN PRAY and ASK GOD how you should vote!!!
Ask God the following:
Do you want me to vote for a Pedophile
who is a Servant of Money, who cuts taxes on the
Economic Dictators and who may KILL
seniors, the needy, and workers
with cuts to social programs?
The TRUTH is that
Jesus Christ wants you to vote for
Servant of God and Servant of the people
Doug Jones!
Vote the way Jesus Christ wants you to vote.
Vote for Doug Jones.
ADVICE to Doug Jones and his campaign.
The KEY to winning this election
is to WIN the Christian Voting Bloc.
The KEY to doing that is to use a
Voter Psychology Theological Argument
to get Christians to vote the way
Jesus Christ wants them to vote,
rather than the way their
Doctrines of Men pastor
wants them to vote.
HOLD PRAYER Vigils before the election
and PRAY that voters will vote
the way Jesus Christ wants them to Vote.
Ask EVERY Voter to PREY to GOD
and ASK GOD if they should
Vote for a Pedophile who
is a Servant of Money,
not a Servant of God.
At your Prayer Vigil
hold up signs that say the following.
VOTE the Way JESUS would Vote
Tax Billionaires, help the Needy
Matthew 22:21 and Luke 18:22
Elect Servant of God Doug Jones.
Jesus Christ taught the Socialist Values
of taxing the rich and providing for the needy.
Thus those who reject Socialism
have rejected Jesus Christ!
Because Roy Moore rejects
the Socialist Values of Jesus Christ,
he may KILL seniors by taking away
the Socialism of Medicare and Social Security,
KILL the needy by taking away
the Socialism of Medicaid and Food Stamps,
and KILL working class Americans
by taking away the Socialism
of taxing billionaires to pay for
millions of construction jobs and
Green Energy jobs!
Jesus Christ wants voters to vote for a
Servant of God who will
raise taxes on billionaires
to both balance the budget
seniors, the needy, and the working class!
Jesus Christ wants YOU to
vote for Doug Jones!
The Anti Christ Trump Budget May KILL YOU!
The Trump Budget must be defeated
and all members of Congress who vote for it
must be kicked out of office.
It stabs Trump Voters in the back
by not spending billions to create
millions of construction and Green Energy jobs.
It stabs Trump Voters in the back
by not including tariffs on low wage
factory imports to take back
the five million off shored factory jobs.
EVERYONE who voted for Trump based
on the promise of tariffs to get our
factory jobs back or spending
to create millions of construction jobs,
must FIGHT BACK against the LIAR
who LIED to get your vote and then
OVERTHROW the Economic Dictatorship in America
by kicking out of office
EVERY member of Congress
who voted for the Anti Christ Trump Budget!
It kills senior citizens
by triggering cuts to medicare.
It rejects the teachings of Jesus Christ
by taking money from the needy to give to billionaires.
It harms our children
by putting a larger deficit on the backs
of our children in order to give money to billionaires.
It is Fiscal Liberal by adding to the deficit,
rather than Fiscal Conservative
by ending the deficit and paying down the debt.
It serves only the Economic Dictators of America
with billions in tax cuts,
and ignores the will of WE THE PEOPLE
to have jobs, health care, education,
a better future for all,
and a balanced budget.
The Bible says the Anti Christ will be
a Global Economic Dictator.
He most likely already leads the
Economic Dictators of the wealthiest
nation on Earth.
The Anti Christ probably already RULES
the United States of America!
The Trump budget serves the Economic Dictators
of America and their Anti Christ leader.
We need a budget that Serves God and the People
by taxing Billionaires to both balance the budget
and provide for the needs of the people!
The American people will fight back against
Economic Dictatorship in America
and a budget that only serves the
Economic Dictators of America.
To restore a Democracy of WE THE PEOPLE
and get a budget that serves WE THE PEOPLE,
the following must be done by all voters.
Call your Senators and member of the House
to oppose the Trump budget because
it fails to create millions of construction jobs,
it kills seniors,
it rejects Jesus values by taking from the needy
to give to billionaires,
it puts a higher debt on our children
to give money to billionaires,
and it only serves the
Economic Dictators of America.
Tell all your friends and family members
to also call Congress.
Ask organizations like
Our Revolution,
Justice Democrats,
AARP, and Unions,
to have calls to voters
in key states to call
their Senator to oppose the budget.
IF the Trump Budget passes,
then demand that a Veto Proof Bill
be passed to REVERSE the Trump Budget,
OR ELSE all who voted for the Trump Budget
will be kicked out of office.
Support a national petition drive
of all voters in America
pledging to kick out of office,
every member of Congress who
voted for
the Anti Christ Trump Budget.
Join national organizations
and form local political action groups
to work to kick out of office
every member of Congress
who voted for
the Trump Budget.
We need a Revolution to overthrow
the Economic Dictatorship of America
and the Anti Christ RULER of
the Unite States of America!
We need to replace SLAVERY
under the rule of the Anti Christ,
with the FREEDOM of a
Political-Economic Democracy
The first step is to kick out of office
all Republican members of Congress
who serve the Economic Dictators
and the Anti Christ,
rather than WE THE PEOPLE and God.
The next step is to have a Constitutional Amendment
for Direct Democracy,
so that a direct democracy vote of the people
will set the tax rate for income, capital gains,
and inheritance, based on
the income and wealth of the person.
A direct democracy vote should also decide
many other issues,
like Tariff rates on low wage imports
and the spending percentage of all
programs in the budget.
As long as the Economic Dictators
and the Anti Christ
rule the United States of America,
there will continue to be massive
tax cuts for the Economic Dictators
and massive cuts to programs that
SAVE the LIVES of seniors, the needy,
and workers!
As a result YOU may suffering and DIE,
YOUR children may suffer and DIE,
and millions of American workers
may suffer and DIE!
We will no longer live as SLAVES
to the Economic Dictators
and the Anti Christ!
to rule ourselves
with a Direct Democracy
political-economic system.
What do we want?
When do we want it?
Our first step will be to EDUCATE and RECRUIT
organizations like
Our Revolution and
Justice Democrats.
We will kick out of office
EVERY Republican who voted for
the Anti Christ Trump Budget!
We will elect a Congress
that is fully controlled
by Progressive servants
If you love God, America, Your Family,
and Yourself, then